Expecting a lovely autumn

It certainly looks like the summer has passed us by, the weather where we are (Dax 40) is more like early spring. People are already lighting wood burners and wearing socks with their sandals!

Perhaps we'll be getting a cracking autumn?

What's it like where you are?

We arrived in April and the locals said we brought the British weather with us! Humour exists! We are down in Mielan, definitely cooler and a downpour wouldn’t go amiss to flush out a stinky drain!

Whoa hold it right there :-) the U.K. is a bit bigger than some may think, that's a bit like saying all of France is cold and wet just now .....oops. No? but in the part of the U.K. (well until September the 16th it is) where I am it hasn't been up to 20C in many a week, 15 pushing 17C at times and wet almost every day for 2 weeks, on the other hand there was a three week almost totally dry spell where it regularly reached 20 to 25C in oooh let me think .... June maybe. Seems like a lifetime ago.

We have had a wonderful summer here on the Cherbourg Peninsula this year...in my book perfect - not too hot but since we got the tail end of Hurricane Bertha it's very different...more up & down, certainly temp wise...when the clouds roll back it's summer again - clouding over it's another cardigan on...very waring, inside or outside, heater on or heater off!

No, it hadn't been lower than 20C since the beginning of June. In fact, it was mostly up around 30C for most of July and beginning of August. Now cooler but going to warm up again at the weekend.

If you think 20c is hot no you wont need woollies, we used to think 23c was a really nice day when we were back in the uk now we have acclimatized 23 c is a cool day and we are wondering whether to wear a woolly pully

Crikey! It's being so cheerful that keeps you going, Don!

It can be arranged...

Reckon you'd go down well in Burkina Faso !

Exactly. I like what I call "Pullover Weather" Too hot, take it off... you know the rest. If I wanted to sweat me bits off I'd go & live in Africa ;-)

20C is a good summer? Ermm, you are not impressing me with the UK then lol

I'm on the border of Ile de France and Centre and frankly, the weather is pathetic. The odd nice day in June and July but no consistency as you would expect for summer. Have already had a fire on at my boyfriend's this month. Cold and wet. Storms.

The only respite was a few days in Provence. Thank goodness that part of France lived up to its sunny reputation while I was there but the residents there said they too were a bit disappointed by summer. I hope Corsica will be a little more settled and warm in a couple of weeks.

To think we've got 8 months of depressing weather ahead again to look forward to. Coming from NZ I still haven't adjusted to the freezing winters, gloomy skies (and I'm not talking about Brittany or the UK) and length of cold cold temperatures in my areas of France.

The plants on my balcony have had a hard season - demolished by constant wetness and associated fungus diseases, they are already sensing approaching winter and are prematurely giving up the ghost. It's still supposed to be summer for goodness sake. Still, the sky is blue today - must take a walk. Maybe take a photo of it.

I hate to tell you all but here in the U.K we've had a great summer. Today is the first day that we haven't had 20C somewhere in the U.K. We have had some dramatic storms of torrential rain, wind and thunder and lightning. However, it has been mostly sun, sun, sun. (It does make a change usually it's pretty miserable in the summer). However, we are coming to a gite near Bordeaux on Saturday - do I need to bring my winter woollies instead of sun tops?

hot. (Deps 30/34)!

Socks avec sandals?..English me thinks… :0)

Heather I lifted that pic from a friend's email link to a site with unusual or funny photos. Creative sheep shearing.

How lovely...where did you find this picture Don ???

A flock of these Shoodles ought to get it done.

Sounds like you need a man to keep you warm over the cooler months Shirley ! Make sure he has a decent chainsaw as his chopper may not be sufficient ....

Turned cooler in the Limousin, roll on the Indian Summer !

Coincidentally this appeared last week in The Australian.


Lovely. That takes me back to my days of living in Laguna Beach, California. We kept the doors and windows open year round. Only when the Santa Ana winds were blowing did we ever turn on the AC, maybe twice a year. I could walk to the end of the street and catch sea bass for dinner.