My first tax return

My wife and I became French resident last July. I visited the local Hôtel des Impôts last December to register and start reclaiming overpaid UK tax but was told I had to wait until the new forms become available in April. Well, here we are, but when I go on the French Govt website I find that I cannot register because I don't have a fiscal reference. So, how do I get the forms, and which forms do I need?

Unfortunately, the first time you file has to be via the paper form that you can get from the Hotel des Impots, the Tresor Public, or by printing out the downloadable PDF from 2042 from the website, as someone else has already indicated. Once you have filed a first paper declaration, you will get a fiscal reference number and a "télédéclarant" number for the following years, when the tax office sends you the form (usually in April of that year).

Note that you have a shorter period of time for filing your declarations by paper than doing so online - the online deadline depends on the "département" in which you live.

sorry i read it wrong it is people over 20 if they were on their parents impots last year and they declare for the first time

ainsi qu’aux personnes âgées de plus de 20 ans, rattachées l’année dernière à la déclaration de revenus de leurs parents, qui déclarent pour la 1ère fois cette année.

hi there chris,

You can go to the mairie or "centre des finances publiques" and get the impot sur revenue form, and if it is the first time you are filling in the form you will not have a fical number yet that will be given when they receive your form, then next year you can even do it over the net if you are less than 20 years old and have received a document from the impot service>

This is the document you need "numéro d'imprimé 2042, millésime 2013" or got to the website

here is the document and the notice



welcome to the paperasse lol !!!