Can you invoice whilst registering

My friend wants to register but is having trouble because he doesn't have a french social security number. We are trying to deal with this but in the meantime has the chance to do some work - is he able to invoice with 'siret pending' and if so how long does he have before he has to declare this work with his siret number (once we can get it)

Any advice greatly received

Yep, it was Ricky's zero trick that did if for me and I'd been trying to register for months.

When you get to that section, after you have put in the zeros, you get a box with a tick in it show up at the side and a statement acknowledging you haven't got an SS number.

I got emails through from INSEE on the first working day after I'd submitted and I got the paperwork through with my Siret a few days later.

yes, I signed up and just filled in the form with zeros where it asks for a SSN. You then get registered, get your Siret and then a provisional SSN until you provide documentation such as birth cert etc. They are still happy to collect your Cotisations with a provisional number ;-)

Thanks Andrew _ we'll give it another go online and see if we can get any further.

Thanks Ricky

Hi Julie (or is it Liz?),

Put in zeros and that should work according to others (can't vouch for that as I already had my numéro sécu when I went AE back in 2009). From memory you get everything on registering as an AE or within days by post. Once you're registered then it'd be safe to get on with the work. Not the case until registered though. The rules on issuing invoices and what has to be included are strict and laid out in the AE blurb - feel free to call in and see me although friday morning is always sooo busy as you know ;-)

à +


He will get a French Social security number when he registers and registration (and the issue os a SIRET No.) only takes a matter of days.

To register your friend needs to enter a Null social security number on the form - a series of 13 zeros, I think. There was another thread elsewhere recently on this very subject.

I'd be very wary of issuing invoices with 'SIRET Pending' on them given that French Tax authorities are currently looking at all sorts of ways to rope in extra revenue and such a procedure would immediately alert them to the possibility of something odd going on.