Can you suggest websites to help with learning/speaking French?

Hey Marry. I have a company and we do language teaching. Learning French with passive learning will never let you learn to speak. You need interaction. First you will understand, then you will make basic sentences (creation stage), then you will be able mimic and then you will move through the final steps of acquisition. I’ve taught a lot of Duolingo learners but honestly, you need to learn the grammar and internalise it. Here is my information: I’m a French Teacher and I have a Master’s degree in French with an emphasis on language acquisition and non-pathological language loss. We have a French for Traveler’s class starting on April 17th and we will have other French “classic” courses in late April throughout the summer. My teachers are excellent and teach at universities. We use the common language framework of European Languages for language learning. If you want to join a class, just email me and we will let you know about enrollment. Check out the sections with language instruction.

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