Franglais Kids

Are you a mum/dad/2be living in France and wondering how things work? Or are you a Franglais Kid yourself who is looking to share your experiences of growing up bi-lingual in France? If so then join in our discussions or start your own…

Can anyone help with what this actually means? There is an outing at Jeuns Club which is for one day (so presumably not going too far) and we have no snow here. It sounds like they need padded clothes/ski suit but there's no snow?? Help! In case I need to run around looking for something specific ...

Sortie A la Neige
Les rois de la glisse !!!
(Activité Luge)
Prévoir une tenue à des couettes !

ps - going private may well be the easier solution. It was for me!

Go & see the head of the school you want your child to go to and explain the situation. It may be hard as village schools are fighting to stay open (hence the regroupement) and try to hang onto their pupils. Your other option is going to a private school in the town where your children go to lycee - it is often the only way to make sure you can drop off/pick up aon time, anyway. You don't need a dérogation if you are going to a private school, by the way. What is the name of the town?

Help ! Does anyone know how to fight for a lettre derogation for Ecole . I live just on the edge of two departments and have to older children going to lycee in the next department where the holidays are different. I am trying to get my nearly three year old into the same department so holidays are the same and the school is a lot closer than my own village school where they are sending maternelle to another school on a bus . My mairie has refused point blank to signing a lettre of derogation . Any good advice please .

Oh yes, I had lots of good ones and many excellent ones - just one from the UK who should have got 20 and didn't. I've had over 50 candidates this week (30 minute oral with 10 minutes beforehand to prepare when I tell them what I want them to talk to me about) & the vast majority had done at least SOME work!!

Hi Veronique :) Thank you for the "tip". I suppose you're not laughing but I understand you and I can picture what happened. I'll try and warn my daughter about this but I know for a fact she'd rather study an English book than a French one, even though she's a proper bilingual. She's got principles ;)

Didn't you get any conscientious kids who had prepared their stuff right ? A few years ago I had to test some French kids on that kinda level and I must say their teacher had prepared them very well - and the kids had delivered too. Do keep faith, some of them (French or English) can actually prove to be brilliant :)

If you are the parent of a child in Terminale L doing Anglais approfondi & possibly also LELE (Littérature étrangère en langue étrangère) next year, PLEASE make them do their dossiers properly & get them to practise at home - I have been examining all week & have had to give (relatively) bad marks to native speakers because their knowledge level is below what is expected for the exam. eg candidates who waltz in saying "oh I haven't read this" and then tell me a load of superficial rubbish about a text they are supposed to know & have analysed, the mark they get is half of their total English mark and it is coefficient 9 so they are shooting themselves in the foot if they don't do the lit crit & prepare their dossier on the 'notions' especially as they have NO EXCUSE to make a hash of it, they aren't being asked to do a doctoral viva.

Catherine said it would be OK to post this here...a new initiative called MUMS SPACE FRANCE on facebook....

There are two links below for all Mums living in France - the first is a magazine style page where articles can be seen visually and discussed accordingly, and the second is an attached closed group where in complete privacy you can be frank and honest, offer subjects up for discussion yourself or message us if you would like us to do it for you.

We have a healthcare specialist on board for general health questions and an admin team with experience in France, kids of their own (from babies to teens and grandchildren) and a compassionate, fun outlook.

Our page and group will work hand in hand, complimenting each other and making life in France that little bit easier for all you Mums out there.

Please only join the group if you are a mum/grandmum or step-mum - we welcome all ages as we believe there is a lot to be learnt from others x

Hi, for all those thinking about what next for their collège & Lycée Pro/Techno offspring (or even Bac général) there is AQUITEC on at the Parc des Expositions at Bordeaux Lac (Hall 1) - it is on 6th 7th & 8th Feb ie tomorrow & the day after - I was there today with my STMGs, v useful.

..and I never effing swear ;-)

Oh dear. I say 'bugger orf'. Usually followed by 'bloody cat'.

Catharine, did you read The Famous Five as a gal, lol? Exactly though. When Shaun told me (I had to ask him) what it meant I looked at him sideways, through slitted eyes and thought I should check in case it meant "Narey narey" or "You stink". The eye was a different matter though and, as the school are now aware, unacceptable.

Be much better if we all went back to telling people to 'jolly well go and stuffed' or if absolutely necc. to 'buggah awf'

Thank you all. Once you'd confirmed it was a proper word (and thank you for the correct spelling) I've included it in the letter to help Madame draw her own conclusions as to the attitude this sweet young thing had towards my kiddo.

a little late in on this one but there is a difference between dégage and va te faire foutre! as Véro says, it depends on the tone of voice but seeing as it was accompanied by a punch in the eye I agree that it was meant more as "piss-off" rather than "shove-off/get lost"

I agree with Catharine there. I have heard a few, mind you a very small number, of youth locally using the 'f' word including 'f off'. In the UK I would not blink an eyelid, here I was horrified. Also a bit confused since the off version was out of place because it was less aggressive.

Except no one says shove off anymore (except Princess Anne who says 'shove awf' anyway...!)

Actually fewer and fewer people under the age of 20 say piss off either. Sadly it is more likely to be f off or 'get out my f***ing face' - which makes dégage seem quite palatable. Anyway, swearing is one thing, punching another :(

I’d say, given that the word was accompanied with a punch in the eye, it was meant in the strongest offence.