How To Fake French!

How to Fake French when you don’t know how to speak it.

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Thanks for adding this Wendy. Tears are rolling down my cheeks

I love this!

Thank you Kit!

My lovely neighbours Wendy and Chris Wise.

New member here and I just discovered you Wendy...OMG... you are so funny!!! EXCELLENT!!! I can not stop laughing, and how true your tips are ;-) I should have seen your video when I met my in-laws here in France. Your tips would have helped me to make them like me as I did not drink wine lol. What a mistake !!!!

Thank you for sharing it ..Love it !

I was excellent but I was embarrassed by it.

This is always good to watch and oh so very true, especially the tut-tutting....

I'm on holiday in France and because I intended to spend the winter quietly, took out no insurance for extreme sports, tsunamis or other 'evenements imprévisible'. More fool me.

For your information, Mme Wendy Wise, I am now in a financially precarious position, in Argentan Hospital, being treated for laughter-overdose after watching your video this evening. I am appalled that there was not even a warning that it was going to be so drole. I have had to sell my van, my self-respect - even my body - to stay here just one night while I (hopefully) recover. How irresponsible of you to treat total strangers this way.

You'll be hearing from my lawyer/my avocat/my bottle of Advocaat/my mam even! ... as soon as I can stop laughing long enough to sign the papers!

Shame on you!

Dammit Sandra - you beat me to it!

Women have always been excellent at faking it!

I just discovered this, EXCELLENT!

My pleasure Julie!

I have laughed and laughed at this - I've had to show it to quite a gew friends who definitely fit into the same category (myself included). thank you so much for brightening up a gloomy Jan.

Like it? Love it! :D

Hilarious and couldn't stop laughing! I have e-mailed this on to friends living here too. Not sure I would put it into practice but admit I have used some of them in our early days!

You'll be the first to know did strike me that the blonde lady looked a lot like Catharine.....

This is the single most popular content ever posted on SFN Wendy! On Friday we received 400% more traffic that our previous record! Do you have any more gems up your sleeve?!

This has to be the most popular thing I've ever posted, I'm delighted to be able to make people laugh, it's one of my aims in life!

It's me before.... I had a fringe cut !