Swimming pool application

My introduction into French Paperwork!!!!!!

Have been to the local Marie and introduced myself, all very nice. Mentiond that we intend to put a swimming pool in our garden and have been given the Permis de construire. The lovely lady at the Marie, I am assuming she is the Maries assistant. Put a post it note on the front to help me on which she has written:

Plans situation- no problem

Measure - no problem

Photos - no problem

X 4 ????

Does this mean that I need to fill out 4 permis de construire or that 4 copies of plans, measurements and photos are required?

I have quickly glanced through the permis and much of it does not apply to a Piscine. Any guidence on filling the thing out would be much appreciated.

Kind regards



Several years ago I planned to install a 5mx5m pool...as we are in an agricultural zone the paper work was more complicated. In the end I cancelled the application and opted for a small 10m2 pool. With hindsight it was a very good decision. The running costs for a small pool are much lower. It is cheap to heat (water at 30 degrees in September is very pleasant). Also added a jet stream so you can swim against the current.

Fingers crossed I don't need to make a church visit.

many thanks


Hi John,

If the bathing area of your pool is less than 10m2, there is nothing to do. If it is 10m2 and more, your don't need a permis de construire (you said you have one ? ) but a simplified "déclaration préalable".

Normally the mairie should require 2 ex of the application form for a déclaration préalable unless you are in a nature parc, near to a listed monument, etc.. Then they will require 4 ex. That's true.

The application form is cerfa_13703-04. You can find it on the internet.

I applied for a pool in our garden and I had four ex to provide (we are in a regional parc). Thus, I had to empty the local church poor box to pay for the photocopies ;-)
