A very near miss for someone

My exact thought, all the best for your wife.

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So sorry to hear this Mark but hugely relieved you all escaped more serious injury.

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I would guess that the “video” is a screen recording of in-game footage from one of those car chase video games, like this one:

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I would guess that you are right - they have pretty stunningly realistic models of Europe’s road networks to play with.

But, apparently, they don’t know that the German police don’t drive black and whites.

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Yes US game developers are probably not too well acquainted with the nuances of Polizeifahrzeuge. :slight_smile:


That’s very scary and it sounds as if you got off comparatively lightly. Best wishes to all of you for a speedy recovery.

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Have just learned from the police that the 80 year old(!) driver who hit us hadn’t skidded, but having just overtaken one car, was in the act of overtaking another, on the wrong side of the road on a blind bend!

Unbelievable, but sadly true.

Any sympathy I had for the woman has completely disappeared.

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Actually they came out together, as Gigi was on my wife’s knee with her harness clipped around the seat belt (an advantage of having a lap dog)

It’s a very slight fracture, she weighs next to nothing but is very fit (daily, fairly extreme yoga - though not at the moment), so everyone doc, kiné etc thinks she should be walking again in a shorter than average time.


Pleased with what you say about your wife’s prognosis, but a tad less impressed with the ageist implication of your (!) below, I am older than her and certainly never overtake on blind bends, even in the dry. :wink: :grinning:

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MRS. Not sure if that is ageist, sexist or Frenchist. :thinking:

Some forms of early dementia (especially fronto-temporal) can impair judgement disproportionately - you hear tales of people spending their life savings on unneeded luxuries, for instance.

I’m sure something like that could increase the chance of an elderly driver taking an unnecessary risk when overtaking.

Yes Mark that was ageist. There is more than enough bad driving in France for the ageist angle not to be needed.

Actually the age thing could remotely excuse if there was some kind of health sudden onset issue. But as you’ve said this was that driver’s second stupid overtake in a row, I think we’ll just go back to the idiot risks French drivers seem to take on rural roads.

So no sympathy for her here, either.

Have you begun to search for a replacement for your car yet? I recall it had a features bundle unavailable in France.

Also something I used to forget in the UK - can your French insurance company, or you separately, ensure compensation from her insurance co not just for replacement cost but also for the fact that despite this being a no fault accident, your premiums are going to be higher now for at least 5 years and, I think possibly, more years than that, in France.

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I just checked and Michelle Mouton is only 73 so it wasnt her. Rally fans.

We get lots of +80 cyclists albeit dressed in bank lycra but I am very impressed that they can do it.

Can do what, get Lycra on?
I wouldn’t even try, I once bought a wetsuit, thought it would be good for winter swimming, but I couldn’t get it on because it zips up the back. Had another go later and got it as far as my waist and then spent half an hour trying to get it off my legs.

BTW, what’s ‘bank’ lycra? :thinking:

Credit Agricole team lycra. Those rear zipped wet suits usually have a longer pull strap for just the reason of self doning.

Theres usually a long bit of paracord attached to the zip pull to help do it up

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Disagree, Karen, because the implicit point I was making was that I surprised to learn that an eighty year old lady had been driving an eighteen year old youth.

Or is that doubly ageist and sexist? :wink:

Yes both, I was handed the pull by my glamourous assistant but still couldn’t get it all the way up. I think I might have ordered the wrong size. :roll_eyes: :rofl:

Aha the truth is out :joy: