
Does anyone have or know of a decent accountant who will not want my house in payment !!! Need general advice to ensure i get it right here - It will be my first year as a ‘real’ french business with full accounts. Does not really matter if they are not english speaking but always helps

ta Jackie

I have been using for the past five years C.L EXPERTISE and my contact there is Thierry Roudil. he does not speak English but the firm are taking on a new partner who does! The firm was highly recommended to me and I have suggested them to several others over the past years. They do not charge a fortune and deal with everything. Thierry can be contacted through the office on 05 53 36 15 00. Give him a call and tell him you know me!! Good luck…Peter

Jackie - we use Groupe Bdj in Villeneuve Sur Lot (Corinne Jacquet who speaks English). They set up our business (Sarl) in August 2007. Their number is 0553 400301