Ladies and Gents, having just filled in our 4th quarter AE declaration we elected to pay by teledeclaration rather than by card, as we have always done before. This was 8 days ago and the tax due has not been collected from our bank account! Is this normal or have we done something wrong?
All our bank details have been filled out on the site, our bank informed but nothing. However, it is sat in the teledeclaration en cours box. Grateful for any input advice etc.
keep an eye on it - I did my first ever declaration online, electronically signed the mandat for the bank etc and forgot about it until I got a reminder - on calling rsi there was no trace whatqover of my declaration .
I konw fill in the paper version (which incidently hasn't yet arrived) send it off and have linked my AE dedicated account to do a direct virement free of charge to rsi so I can choose the exact date I want it to be taken (should it be sooner than the deadline)
Thanks Brian. As ever a calming response.
Nope, they grab it at the end of the month or just after. I have been doing it for long enough to remember to leave enough in to pay them.