Age related memory loss

Yesterday I realised that the large bright green ID disc on Jules’ collar had disappeared. Alarmed in case he got lost one day I checked to see the name of the company that supplied it back in 2012.

Then I went to a lot of trouble editing the wording and excluding our no longer used landline number. And I made it red thinking that if it was lost in grass it would be easier to see. Got to to the payment and they told me that I had been here before but did not leave a password, did I want to fuse the 2 accounts?

Finally done. half a dozen big red discs will arrive in a few days time at a cost of around £ 25. :grinning:
Great, half an hour later Jules was standing watching me and proudly displaying his large green disc. How did he do that, how could he find it and clip it back on?

Then I realised, to avoid the weaker split clip to be mistakenly connected to a lead, this collar has a large strong metal circle on top of his neck for the lead. The disc hangs discreetly down underneath his chin. :confused:

Got some new walking boots a few days ago. The last ones had given up the ghost and leaked like sieves. The new ones are dry but sometimes my feet might be a bit damp and drag up the insole when I take them off, so I remembered a previous pair of boots were prevented from doing that by dusting with talc just before going on, furthermore I remembered seeing that canister the other day and also that I had bought another one ready for when that ran out. So I must have 2. No, not a bloody sign of them, searched high and low so had to buy some more, in a bag this time. :roll_eyes:

The new boots came with a little tag saying, in several languages, ‘after cleaning them each time and, when dry, spray with waterproof spray for long life’. So I went to the place where I bought them and asked the man, showing him the tag, if he stocked this stuff. A slow shake of the head was the reply. Oh well I will have to look elsewhere, but as I was searching for the talc I found a can of the very stuff obviously bought years ago. In the place where the talc should be. :astonished:

A little pair of scissors are always in the bits and bobs drawer in the kitchen. I needed them, but they weren’t there. I searched everywhere with no luck. I know all about thinking what did you last use them for but I couldn’t remember that either. Had to do without. Later in the day while thinking of something else, there they were, I had opened a packet with them and left them alongside the packet, newly opened, contents intact. Must have been called away. :thinking:

The same drawer contains a small hand mirror, it has been there for 30 years. I have a small rash on the back of my knee, I have been treating it but wanted to have a look. The mirror is not there. Now what was I using it for last? :confused:


It’s all in the last place you look in, unless you’re married to a tidy person who groups items together using a system combining astrology the atomic weight of a grain of fairy dust on that particular day.

Not unlike how the goods are arranged in our local Géant.


I was going to comment… now what was it I was going to say?




I found that marrying a pharmacist compensated nicely for my absent mindedness. Not that she supplies me with brain stimulating substances but she is very focussed on everything she does unlike myself.

There are quite a few studies suggesting that vitamin supplements can help slow age related cognitive decline (a subject in which I have a distinct interest as I survey my 60’s fast approaching on the horizon with a fairly strong family history of dementia on my mother’s side of the family).

E.g. COcoa Supplement and Multivitamin Outcomes Study for the Mind - Full Text View -

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It isn’t so much the comparative loss of memory that is troubling so much as certain complete losses of short term memory.

I spend very little cash these days and have got into the habit of taking €200 in cash from our local Agence Postale to top up now and again.

As I open my wallet each time to get the card out I also notice the notes in their own section, the same place I put receipts from those purchases, so I have a glance at the notes left in there and watch them slowly deplete towards the last €100 which are normally 2 €50s and think each time ‘who is the lucky vendor who gets a 50?’ .

This happened on Monday morning when I spent €1.30 in the bar for a petit cafe and noted those last 2 big billets inside.
On Tuesday, late morning, I had to take the Berlingo to deliver my mechanic back to his house not far away and, as the diesel was down to less than a quarter tank, carried on to the local pumps to top it up, the first time in a year. Having done that I reached for the wallet to put the receipt in, and the 2 50s were no longer there.

That morning was fraught, no less then 3 aides all at the same time like buses, the hedge man arrived for the annual cut and of course Hannes in the Berlingo to be taken back home. But there is absolutely no need for me to take money out, much less 2 big banknotes and I know and trust the 3 aides completely. In any case I was with them all the time until the moment when I took the wallet away with me. But for the life of me I cannot remember anything that could be possibly connected to the need for cash, particularly such memorably large notes, between buying that coffee in the bar with change on Monday and taking the Berlingo to Hannes’ to deliver him back. I spent nothing in that period, the little red wallet was never out of my posession or sight, but something happened to make those 2 notes disappear. The ones that I have seen daily there since I last took cash out of the bank, including them, on the 5th of June.

Very troubling.

Perhaps worth asking at the Bar, if anyone found a couple of 50€ notes…
On the otherhand… they can look like a 10€ in a poor light/with poor eyes… I know that for a fact… only happened the once but that was such a near-miss that I’ve been extra careful ever since.

Oh dear @David_Spardo, money loss is very worrying.

I’m just wondering, does your wallet have a fabric inner lining? If the seam has worn you may have inadvertently tucked the notes in a now almost invisible ‘hidden’ pocket.

I do hope you find the money safely soon.

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I won’t, I and now 2 of the aides have searched both cars, house and my wallet also the voyage box in which resides everything needed for a journey and the bag that goes with me for local ones.

One of the few things I do remember @Stella , was in the bar I was alone except for one man who came in after me and briefly shook my hand before sitting at another table, and I distinctly remember paying with metal money and replacing the change while at all times resting my hand on the wallet on the table and on which were my keys.

Money has gone tant pis, but so has the relevant memory, that is worse.

Not the same thing David, but after shopping at a small supermarket in Spain earlier this year, I panicked on realising my card wasn’t in my wallet. Not the first time it has happened I’m afraid. Rewinding the morning in my mind, I realised I had only used it in one place. We went back and the face of the lady at the till lit up. Despite my halting Spanish she understood the situation perfectly, opened the till and gave me my card, safely stored away. She had run after me to give me the card that I had completely forgotten to take, but I didn’t see her and she was too late to catch me. That’s what I call customer service!

Could those notes be in a pocket, put there without thinking?


If only, but no, searched all the pockets of the bag I was carrying, 4 pockets in my shorts and the one in that day’s shirt (fetch it out of the laundry basket). As I said, I rarely pay in cash these days and the only time since last I saw them was the 1.20€ for my coffee in the bar.

I don’t think I have age related memory loss, yet, but I know I have what I call micro age-related short-term memory loss, meaning that while reading or listening, a thought may be ignited - “Ah, I’ll look that up, Google it!” - but when back to reading or listening, that thought has disappeared in a flash, like ‘in one ear and out the other’!

Sometimes it is retrieved, sometimes not.

People’s names & names of objects have been a bit of a problem since my 30s. More so now. When a name/word escapes me, I leave it alone and concentrate on something else, and while doing so, that name/word arrives within a few minutes all by itself, like a stranger’s hand suddenly tapping me on the shoulder. The word or name isn’t forgotten, it just takes longer to come to the surface. Which I know could become more serious as time goes by.

What I also find from time to time is that anxiety or worry affects my memory. I have read that memory, short term & long term, can be impacted by anxiety or worry.

But there is also the odd occasion, written about in another topic, where instead of hanging my shoulder bag on my shoulder while shopping, I instead hung it on the shopping trolley hook, and forget about it, until I got home. The shoulder bag was retrieved, luckily!

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I suffer similarly. Yesterday I couldn’t for the life of me remember the surname of the Mayor of Paris. I knew it was Spanish and went through a few in my head - Suarez, Gomez, Herrero etc. Today I was just about to look it up and of course, Hidalgo, came into my head immediately.


Me too, as I’m about to open up the film web page that will tell me an actor’s name, the web page is pipped at the post by my memory!

Oh dear ! That describes me perfectly ! I bought fruit at the market last week and returned to the car with all my purchases in my chariot de courses, I love that name. Then, I put a nice bunch of bananas, and some peaches, on the ground behind the car in order to reduce the weight so I could lift the whole chariot into the boot. Guess what happened next? No! I didn’t reverse over my bananas (at least I don’t think so), I just drove off forwards. I was puzzled that I couldn’t find those nice bananas when I got home… I hope someone lucky profited from my forgetfulness !

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I did the same sort of thing. I put an awkward article I was holding onto the roof of my car while I looked for my car keys. I opened the boot, loaded my shopping, but forgot the article on the roof of the car, and drove back home !