Hi everyone, Just as the heading states - am i entitled to assidec? To explain; i have been until last month an Auto entrepreneur (for 2 years.) My husband got a new job in Freiburg in Germany and we have now followed him and i decided to stop. i have done my declaration de radiation etc. i have heard that you are not entitled to unemployment money, is this the case? Or is there something else i may be entilted too? thanks for your help everyone. p.s. Is there anyone living in the Alsace region? We are now living near Colmar.
We are in Strasbourg. Me, international civil servant. OH auto entrepreneur (formateur anglais). Just down the road!
It's not really complicated here, you can't claim unemployment benefit in the UK either AFAIK if you are self employed and RSA depends as you know on total household income.
BTW Love Freiburg, spent a lot of time there and Colmar as well but then that's sort of German or has been historically....
....but then so was Paris.
We probably will eventually but hubbie has to find a job first to go back to. i would quite happily stay as long as i can get my fixes from scotland every so often. Our kids were born here and are very french. Our oldest goes to college after the summer, so we feel we have to go back this year or wait until he finishes school.
Oops "6 months CDD" !!! Yes it was a real pain as I needed something but I had alreay launched myself on a self employed project so no great problems and the rest is history. Go back to Scotland :-O
My OH and kids are French so there's no going back!!! :-D
Bonne chance ;-)
That must have been pretty fustrating as i am sure you would have needed it. The system is very good if you qualify. Too good i think. It is crazy as after 12 years here my husband wants to go back to scotland, i keep putting all the arguements to him to stay, such as unemployment coverage, health assurance etc etc.... We are now frontalier and lucky as we benefit from both sides, such as the german and french cafs- and extra 190 euros per month - not to be sniffed at. The kids and my husband benefit from the 90% rule from CPAM and the German system if need be.
I didn't qualify for a penny in unemployment benefit years ago because I was a couple of days short of the minimum 6 months. I had a 6 month CDI but in practice it was just under that...!
Thanks Andrew. i thought it was like this but wanted to clarify - you know how things are complicated here. Of course is is called the pole emploi. lol
No Gwen, AEs are not entitled to unemployment benefit which is also the case for all indépendants (if I'm not mistaken). PS ae cotisations are far less than the standard scheme too - I speak from experience!
PS assedic (the organisation) no longer exists - it's now pôle emploi ;-)
It's actually slightly similar to Jobseekers' Allowance in the UK, in that if you've been self-employed and paying your NI contributions you don't have the same JSA entitlement as someone who's been salaried (unless it's changed since we left) - i.e there's income based and contribution based JSA - the latter tends to apply to people who've been salaried because both they and their employer contribute to their NI, whereas if you're self-employed you pay much lower contribution.
Plus with JSA (income based), if your partner is working, it has to be less than 24 hours per week.
Annoying I know!
Thanks David, It is basically unemployment money. If i am not entitled, what has happened to my cotisations ........ We won't be entitled to RSA unfortunately.
Not sure what assidec is Gwen - is it an abbreviation or acronym? If you are or have been an autoentrepreneur then you don't have an entitlement to aide chomage, but you can claim RSA (revenue de solidarite active) depending on your circumstances and those of your Partner - Caisse des Allocations Familiales (CAF) have a website on which you can take the test to see if you're eligible.
Hope that helps!