Another corking piece of ill-thought through prejudice - this time from the UK Daily Mail

Thank you Emma, Jane do you not think at 63 I have not had several horrible deaths from that in my family? They all smoked like factory chimneys. My close friend in Berlin who has been mentioned in posts before died last year, he screamed for two months solid in pain despite being offered more and more painkillers, but simply wanted to remain conscious to the end. Bowel cancer that spread through his entire abdomen. So, yes Jane I have the courage to include it and the gross arrogance of making one way we leave this world worse than another because of a prejudice of your own is not playing the game either. Emma is making a far more valid point on the Stephen Gately story. So please understand we all have different ways of seeing things, have yours by all means but my satirical comment following the preceding one that you cannot have read since you do not seem to have noticed it puts the prejudice ball back in your court.

I remember that one, I had the Yes Prime Minister on audio tapes in my car for long journeys, I loved them as they adapted so well to audio.

Hope this helps:

Hacker: Don't tell me about the press. I know exactly who reads the papers: The Daily Mirror is read by people who think they run the country; The Guardian is read by people who think they ought to run the country; The Times is read by the people who actually do run the country; The Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country; The Financial Times is read by people who own the country; The Morning Star is read by people who think the country ought to be run by another country; And The Daily Telegraph is read by people who think it is.

Sir Humphrey: Prime Minister, what about the people who read The Sun?

Bernard: Sun readers don't care who runs the country, as long as she's got big tits.

When you're 80, you trust the press just as you trust the BBC, as a rule. And she's not stupid, but no other paper feeds fear as much as the DM. It's been her paper just as it was my grandfather's, but to say that things cause cancer and then affect the diet of old people is irresponsible journalism. There's no other way around it.

Funny, Paul Dacre's on the stand at the Leveson enquiry right now...

One of my favourite quotes from 'Mock the Week' - ' The Daily Mail. Racist. ... so you do not have to be'

The horrible thing is though, Jane, because of their 'news' about cancer - and what is or isn't causing cancer - it nearly caused my nan another accident! We're not talking about life-saving news, we're talking about a 'science' report based on 8 mice that then caused my 80 year old Nan to wander around in the dark because she was afraid. Like she is of the NHS and immigrants... the Daily Mail's 'reporting' often leaves its readers very vulnerable and fearful of everything. There's a very famous list of links to things the DM say give you cancer (and are either based on very small and inconclusive studies, or are not carcinogenic at all...) but if you believe it, you run the risk of worse health issues.

Personally, I take offence at a 'news'paper that didn't just suggest, but said categorically that Stephen Gately died because he was gay. It's homophobia at its worst.

Not when you are talking about cancer!!!

And why, as Brits, there was a tradition of taking a quality and popular paper ....

I read Le Monde and Le Canard enchaîné plus local rags. I like a press that goes for hard facts, dares to expose that which is important and does not bother with the equivalent of the housewife from Watford who eats 38 buns every day because her husband is gay and having an affair with a famous pop star whose name will not be given except that his record is number one at the moment. (Take breath again) I also read other countries' papers and there are rags like Bild in Germany that are like the Sun and pretend-to-be serious by being broadsheet Italian papers like Il Giorno that became a tabloid in the end and Spain's El País which is 'serious' but has allowed itself some real corkers... which I generally do not read. It is a matter of choice and taste and political orientation rarely really matters unless reading a very left or right paper which tend never to have 'real' unbiassed news anyway.

Le Monde probably has some of the longest articles of all European papers, US ones go much longer, so I guess your husband does not read that. Not a social scientist either for sure because we habitually read different versions of same things to get closer to the nub of the matter.


Satire, irony, parody and so on. Are they not part of the 'British' sense of humour?

And you know that's what I love about British papers - you can pick and choose ... there is something for everyone. We know they have different political allegiances and write in different styles for different readers, but you do have a choice. And for the moment there is still an aspect of 'freedom of speech' ....

Now, of course as we're in France we should be looking at what we do here too - which national papers do you buy ? Which TV news do you watch ?

Brian, I have to take exception to this posting.

All it does for you is to accent your prejuduces.

It is not journalism of the finest, but it has exposed many of the over zealous British police forces, notably in the case of Peter West, who had his car confiscated by Northamptonshire Constabulary because he had been seen twice in six months and had not re-registered in UK. By the intransigence of the Chief Constable of Northamptonshire, he was forced to take his case to the European Court of Human Rights and following that all police forces in the UK were made clear thatg the six moinths presence of a car in UK had to be consecutive and not intermittent.

Whilst you may not choose to go back to UK, some of us do and, before JIm's mother died, we had to go to Northamptonshire and knowing we were not going to have our car impounded actually gave us a sense of peace of mind!.

the truth is there...

I live and work in France so only read my local French newspapers - midi libre and la dépêche - the rest doesn't affect or interest me, apart from taking the p1ss out of the odd DM article posted here that is ;-)

Here we all are having a 'feeding frenzy' on the Daily Mail. I would therefore recommend the antidote on: which should not only inform you all as well but give reason to smile.

yeah, funny too and worth the read!

Left that on the other day but on Facebook saw it got shared around the world...

Reading the Daily Mail gives you cancer, fact. Must be because I might have read it in the Daily Mail, had I actually taken any of the strings of letters they call words in!