Anyone else a gilet jaune?

I agree John as long as we can all have a Porsche Cayenne - oops, not built here so will have to be satisfied with a Renault Kangoo. Seems to me that you are Brainstorming ideas John which we can all do - unfortunately reality bites or in the case of the GJ takes a great big chunk - and then it’s back to the business of running the country and although you have ruffled a few feathers some things will never change, unfortunately. I do however admire your pluck.

It’s a bit more complicated than that though isn’t it.
Job creation is certainly important.
But the quality of those jobs is also important. Achieving full employment via zero hours contracts and throwing workers’ rights out of the window isn’t the answer.
Making it cheap as chips to employ people and cutting business taxation isn’t the answer either because it’s also important to find a means of funding a good social security system.
I agree France hasn’t got it right.
Personally I think that’s a shame because if France could make its model work then its economy would have a stronger and more sustainable foundation than most countries. Once you change your priorities and say it’s all about profit and building a strong economy, it’s hard to go back to saying Actually it shouldn’t be all about profit, it should be about creating a country that looks after people.
It’s hard to get the right balance and I’m not sure any country has got it exactly right. Switzerland maybe?


So…what are you saying John…?

Also - could you take a look at some of my previous questions / observations and attempt a few answers. Ta - I’ve answered yours!

(or are you a journalist??? lot’s of spare time for a farmer methinks…)

“a foreign person who has lived in France more than in England married to a francaise and 2 French children”
Count your blessings, you sound quite well off really, especially if you are in a couple where only one of you works - I am a French single parent of 5 and I don’t get any benefits because I have a full-time job.

I am not really knocking being a stay at home parent either, it is nice if you can afford it. But you can’t stay at home and simultaneously complain about being skint.


A Porsche Cayenne made in France a rolls royce made in France of course you have to import le matière premier but the rest is made in France

Our Farm is little there is only me and my wife. We started with nothing.My blessings are that we are all healthy. Do you find time for yourself? because bringing up 5 kids whilst working, my respects to you, but it must great fun at Christmas because Christmas without kids is boring

So are you saying that every car manufacturer should set up a manufacturing plant in every country? Invest many millions in multiple hi-tec production facilities and robots and skilled staff and arrange for materials and parts delivery in every which direction, with each of those plants only producing enough models for local consumption?
I don’t think there would be any profits left to invest anywhere.

Yes it would cut down transport costs gas emmisions and create jobs then wealth to that country. In theory

You’re missing the point where actual economics get involved, instead of “a theory”. Do you also subscribe to the belief the earth is flat, perhaps?


Hi John… if Christmas is boring… there is always a great alternative… become a Volunteer… and bring happiness and joy to others (perhaps) less fortunate than you and your other half… :hugs:

Christmas can be a dismal time to the old, the infirm… the folk who live all alone and almost never see anybody… your smiling face could make all the difference. :hugs:

Too late for Christmas 2018… but worth a thought for Christmas 2019???


Is it just me or does anyone else think there is something a little off about our friendly Mr Wood. If l were to write an interesting journalistic piece about ‘Ex-Pats’ views on the GJ and support an anti immigrant view, l might want to get some juicy quotes from Brits without showing the context. I have had this feeling for a few days now and this is what l wrote then.

"If he turns out to be an agent provocateur or Journalist trying to obtain some juicy quotes from Brits about the GJ then he has suceeded. If however, he is a hardworking immigrant farmer, who we have not heard from previously who just wants to chew the fat about GJ in France pethaps we should indulge him for just a little longer "

After some of his latest responses l’m afraid l am all out of indulgance - So I’m out.

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Yep agreed Dan - as I said earlier - lots of time on his hands for a farmer! He doesn’t answer questions but asks loads.

Are you saying… I might not be gaining a volunteer… :thinking:


What you have never had you will never miss in this instance Stella !:grin:

He never did reply as to what type of farming he did, maybe the bit about subsidies threw him. Mind you he has never really given replies to other questions and appears to know little about the welfare system despite ‘‘living here over 30 years and being integrated’’

I live in a farming community, in fact my nearest neighbours are farmers. They are at work literally dawn to dusk, bet they would love some time to be able to take every Saturday off to go driving to a a protest, as for all the hours on internet , they rarely have time to sit down together as a family !

I think that he lives near to some of Simon’s relatives ?

I propose that Simon sets up a meeting, at a nearby pub and includes Andorra Brian, after all 2 wrongs don’t make a right :wink::rofl:


The only ones I know that do are ‘gentlemen farmers’ who only ever get their shoes dirty when stepping out of their Range Rover Vogue…


“He never did reply as to what type of farming he did,”

Time for a quick recap of chapters 6 to 11 of Fream’s Agriculture :wink: but if it is arable farming there isn’t a huge amount to do at this time of year…

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Ann I’ve already been blown out once recently - not sure I can put myself through the disappointment again! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I’m quite ‘buff’ at the moment so I just don’t get it! :muscle::muscle::muscle:


I will ask John to explain :thinking:

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so explain the economics to me please as I thought the world was square