Anyone recently registered as ME?

Can anyone tell me what documents are required to register as a micro-entrepreneur? And how long did you have to wait for your carte vitale after the registration? I’ve heard about someone who has had to wait long for the actual carte vitale, but got a paper from the caise confirming his insurance status, He produced that paper when going to see a doctor and was accepted. Do I understand it correctly: you are insured as soon as you have registered with your relevant insurer and/or have paid your first cotisation?

Hi Anna

Please could you put your Full Name… this is a friendly forum and we like to know with whom we are chatting…

If you are not sure how to amend your Registration, just let us know…


Last year, registered as an AE in July 2016, got temporary number through within one month, got CV in less than 16 weeks.

My wife “piggy backed” on to my number but didn’t get her card until January 2017. We were fully covered by temporary number. When you get your permanent number make sure yo7 inform insurers that you have now received this. Otherwise there’s potential for delay in getting reimbursed. Insurance kicks in as soon as you have your temporary number