Approaching Retirement (Very Fast)

OH will be 65 this August. We moved to France in 2008 - when he was over French pension age but under UK’s. According to CARSAT for this reason none of his cotisations were for Retraite. However they say he should apply for his pension through them and it will be based on his UK contributions. As he’s been a freelance writer for years his record has more holes than Swiss cheese. I have heard that when you hit 65 in France you get “plein taux” - which sounds like “full rate” - is thia true? How much is it? The other factor in our deliberations is the news that as a British Citizen retiree he would get an E121 to get free healthcare. Is this true? Is it really free? And is it true that for this reason, as you are not a burden to l’Etat you no longer have to pay Social Charges?

I cannot find anyone who has a handle on ALL of these aspects and am failing to get any good clear advice and time is running out!! We need to make a desicion. Overseas Group at Newcastle have twice promised to ring back but haven’t…and CARSAT want him to claim now…

Thanks for any help…