Aspergers Syndrome

* Puts on brummie accent thus alienating any members from the Midlands*

"cahm down cahm down" - everyone please!

Right, my reading of this is that Cate and I are both people who freely use the word B****** without meaning anything other than 'nonsense' (or what you will) by it. I know I've used language people have deemed offensive without it ever occurring to me that it could be deemed offensive, so I think we have to accept that we all express ourselves differently.

Brian has had one experience. Cate another. And Celeste another. So what? The whole point is surely to share experiences. And I know nothing about the subject but it does strike me that (like everything else in France) treatment options are going to vary hugely depending on where you live...

So there's no need to argue! Please..!

Right going to brave it outside and remove branches from electric fencing. Nice.

cate - your usual impolite self... If you have a handicapped child, and in another group you will find what I have said discussed by several people then psychiatrists become the enemy. Their approach shocks many people and the lack of special education facilities is very much linked to that. I would rather not have it that way. Be on the receiving end as my daughter is then be so cocky. Also, read the government website, they have one word for all 'handicap' and treat a child in a wheelchair and a child with ADHD collectivelyunder that bracket. Your use of 'bollocks' is as defensive as many other people in the medical systemm great it may be but with children no way. Chucking in a nice little sentene does not stop you being thoroughly unpleasant - but my daughter cannot tell you that for herself

I'll second Celeste. All 'handicaps' are classified in a great big lump in France with little differentiation beyond diagnostic ones. Indeed, education refers to special provisions as 'socio-medical' which inevitably places it in the hands of psychiatrists and sometimes neurologists. They are absolutely inclined to medicate before offering therapy or support that does not include a pill. We are having those problems with out child with Down Syndrome who has no mental health issues and would only have moderate learning difficulties if the educational system was geared to work with special educational needs properly. You need a psychologist rather that psychiatrist, in either case check credentials as Celeste suggests.