Avis d'impot 2021

Can anyone tell me what this actually applies to and how it is calculated?

“(51)Ce crédit d’impôt s’applique sur les revenus du patrimoine, d’activité ou de remplacement de source étrangère, dès lors que la convention internationale conclue entre la France et le pays à l’origine du revenu prévoit celui-ci en vue d’éviter une double imposition”

I received a credit for this for tax year 2018. As there was no credit shown for the year 2019 I contacted the tax office and was awarded a degrevement but no explanation of what this was for or how it was calculated. There is no credit shown in the latest avis but before I contact them would like to understand what it relates to .

Many thanks.

You paid tax in the UK on some income. Because of the double tax treaty you should not not have to pay this again, so if it was entered in the wrong box on your tax form you might have paid french tax too.

This credit impôt is to rectify this. Look at your previous tax form to see where the same amount appears…

It may be that this year your filled in your tax form correctly, so this should be calculated and taken off before you get the avis.

Thank you. Will certainly check the figures again - have looked through them so many times am confusing myself so will put it to one side until Monday and start afresh. As far as I am aware we have not paid any tax in the UK so will check that all the figures are in the correct boxes and compare the three returns concerned.