Bank woes

This morning I received a registered letter from my bank informing me that I am forbidden from writing cheques for five years. I am absolutely livid, it is a long story but basically this is due to a misunderstanding between myself and the bank director. When I wrote the cheque which was to pay my taxes, the money was in my account, but the bank took the money and paid it into another account without my knowledge.

My question is, can I contest this decision, especially as the money was in the account when I wrote and sent the cheque ? Or is it possible for me to open a second account with another bank so that I can avoid this happening again and have the possibility of paying by chequewhen I need to. Thanks for any advice!

I am not surprised you are upset, it is a dreadful thing to happen, especially when it was due to their mistake.
Good luck.

Thanks James, I will get on to this as soon as they re-open on Tuesday. Now I am very, very upset about this, especially as we have been exemplary customers for 8 years now.

You will have been entered onto a national database of "interdits bancaires".

The best way to sort out the problem is to send a registered letter to your bank and ask them to set the record straight. Follow it up with a visit to the bank.

If the situation is as you have described, it should be fairly fast to fix.

Contestation de l'interdiction

Une banque peut indiquer à un de ses clients qu'il fait l'objet d'un fichage au FCC, alors qu'il n'y a pas ou plus de raisons pour qu'il en soit ainsi. Dans pareil cas, le client doit demander des rectifications auprès de la banque, puis, si le problème persiste, auprès d'autres personnes.

Rectification par l'agence bancaire

La personne qui conteste son inscription comme interdit bancaire doit d'abord demander à son agence bancaire, au guichet ou par écrit :

  • de rectifier ses bases de données internes,

  • et de demander au FCC de faire de même, si nécessaire.

Demande auprès du médiateur bancaire et du FCC

Si après 2 jours ouvrés , l'erreur n'est pas corrigée, le client peut :