Bees in Electricity Meter Box

My meter is due to be read this week and I just thought I would check it in advance but I found a colony of bees has set up home in the junction box under the meter box and it will not be possible to read it with bees buzzing around, Does anyone know whose responsibility it is to deal with it (the box is on the boundary of my garden)? Thanks in asdvace.

I would have thought that as it is outside your home then EDF (or whatever they are calling themselves at the moment) would have responsibility.
The box after all is their property… here, the EDF send out guys to remove overhanging branches, ivy etc; from around outside meters.
Usually when they send a letter with a date that the meter will be read there is a number to call, maybe call that and warn them in advance …if not have some oil of lavender aspic ready to treat any stings.

Maybe a bee keeper (apiculteur) would be interesting in taking the colony ?


In the box then it’s down to EDF. They usually have someone registered/contracted to them, as I am in the Cher. Beekeepers beware, if you damage EDF’s property you will have to pay for the repair.


Hope the bees find a good home :+1:

poet and you didn’t know it

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Ha ha, well spotted!

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Many thanks everyone for your helpful comments. I’m sorry not to have responded earlier but there was a small matter of an unexpected sejour in hospital to have 2 stents and then a trip to UK to contend with. The bees, for some reason, must have realised they were unwelcome as they suddenly disappeared and the meter reader had a successful visit!


Best wishes :+1: