Best (or just OK) French car insurance company

@William_Cooper You’re welcome - security on the internet is always a concern and the smallest of information can help build a picture for those with ill-intent…
you can edit your post by selecting the image icon under it.

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Thanks @graham!

My dad has just had his car cloned and found out when he received 16 fixed penalty notices from Hackney council. When he looked at the photo he discovered it was a Peugeot estate and not saloon but he is still having fun trying to explain to the powers that be that it wasn’t him!

You can’t be too careful!

No, you can’t although some seem to believe they are immune and post private info anyway… It’s unbelievable what detail can be obtained from just a snippet here and another there to which many can attest after they’ve had their identity stolen… scammers are becoming more and more sophisticated in their quest and how they use data.

Using the “mail” facility as Graham explained.

@William_Cooper might be interested in the following (US hackers might have an easier time than EU hackers but it is still worrying just how much data can be found online).


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and to add to the helpful links from @anon88169868 there was a program on TV not long ago where some poor innocent punter was scammed only to find that her sim was cloned and used multiple times to take out rental agreements on a number of high end iPhones and the like - completely untraceable back to the perpetrator of course but a nightmare for the honest victim!

Don’t know why I bother if people won’t act…
Maybe it’s a (not so) subtle way of advertising a business :thinking:
seems William Cooper did own a transport business in 16 but has since been deregistered

It is OK Graham, I’ve had the time to flog most of his vital organs, for collection later, on the transplant grey market, and book myself a couple of holidays as well as take out a few loans.


better price paid whilst they’re still warm and «on the hoof» so to speak :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hence collection later :wink:

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We could all just email him

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Actually Paul, I’d call those true Brexiters as they want to exit Britain. I guess the term only came about because EUexiters is bit clumsy.

While I can see your point the term Brexiter has become too loaded.