BNP Paribas clef digitale question


This is driving us mad. My mother in law is trying to pay some euros into my Starling euro account from her French BNP account.

As it’s an international payment, she was told she’d need to activate her BNP clef digitale.

We managed to do that today, but she’s now being invited to call a French 0820 number that handily isn’t available from her UK location.

Just wondering, has anyone managed to navigate their way through this exact scenario. Ie - making an international bnp payment from UK into a British account?

All the best,


are you using the right mechanisms?

Thanks for the link, Graham. I believe so. We entered my swift / bic and iban numbers as requested.

It’s the security stage that’s tripping us up. The clef digitale doesn’t seem to be worth the paper it’s not written on, but I’m hoping there’s a way.

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would it work taking a different approach?
Maybe pay you GBP from her UK account (if she has one) to your Starling GBP account and you do the exchange in your Starling account.

Could do, but she has quite a few Euros in BNP and she’d be converting to pounds and back to euros again.

It’s a fallback we’ve discussed, but we’d far rather solve the euro to euro problem. I’m not desperate for the money. It’s my euro holiday slush fund on Starling!

The pound sterling to Euro rate is pretty awful at the mo.


Wise will do it. Their IBAN is Belgian so is treated going both ways like a French one.
