British mountain biker shot dead by French hunter

Another hunting tragedy.

Its long over due but I think potential “hunters” should take an eye test and demonstrate they can distinguish a human being from a four legged beast of the wild. People are shot and killed every single hunting season needlessly.


It is easy to buy a gun
 but to obtain the right to fire one
 that takes a lot of time and effort (as it should). As I recall, the course is intensive and takes several weeks, followed by a written examination

An English friend went through the process many years ago
 studied hard as it was all in French
 and was astounded when he passed and many of his French classmates failed

This was a ghastly accident, during a boar hunt

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Was this before or after lunch?
Glad to report that the pheasant which I can now hear each morning because it has been frightened from it’s patch has survived again this weekend.
The hunt has some use when it takes on wild boar which become pests.

Good question. It’s possible alcohol was involved but I don’t know that. A few more details here.

The incident happened at around 6pm

We have woodland quite close to us. If I’m out in the garden when the shooting starts I tend to retreat quickly. Probably overreacting but

Yes, as it said in the link you posted! Missed that, oops :dizzy_face:

I used to attend ‘shoots’ regularly in the UK, they were always on private land and the day was governed by strict rules, anyone flouting the rules was asked to leave and told never to return, the owner of any dog that misbehaved could not bring the dog again.

Whilst it might be hard to get a ‘hunt’ licence here the actual hunt itself is often poorly organised IMO and I find it shocking that alcohol is consumed during the day rather than at the end as it is in the UK.

The routes of our regular walks here are changed when the hunting season is on as we have had a couple of dangerous encounters, not happy about having to do this but it’s not my country and we knew what things were like before we moved.

In my view many deaths and injuries could be avoided if every hunt posted signs to let people know that hunters were in the area.


I am very suprised to see hunters so close to people/civilization 
 our hunting laws are a lil different.

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what hunting laws are you talking about

Are you talking about the laws in the USA Meghann ? Here in France there are laws governing how close to a habitation the hunt can shoot, unfortunatly, as is proved each year, these laws are not always respected. I have had problems in the past when the hunt has passed too close (shooting) to my house. I once was so angry by the way they were behaving on my land that I confronted them. Like children they were shamefaced to be found out and melted away after a few hands raised in apology. It wasn’t wise on my part because I do know of French people who have had reprocussions but enough was enough .

His mother is glad he’s dead, she claimed he was a monster who prayed on women.

What??!! That’s incredible. Will go off and search for that on the news sites.

Yes. I read this morning that his ex girlfriend and another woman alleged that he was a rapist and abusive and his mother only wished his death had been more protracted and painful. It’s certainly a very odd turn of events.

 are you able to give us the link to where you read this

Hope this works.

You would have to go some to have your mother talk like that about you

That is quite extraordinary! :hushed:

Shocking! I don’t understand how he skipped the UK to Ibiza and then France if he had a case to answer.