Buche de ramonage

Has anyone ever used a Buche de Ramonage in their log burner and if so how well does it work?

Yes. And who knows???
These days we get in a chimney sweep.

I think it is complete nonsense, get a chimneysweep. The B de R might help unstick a bit of deposit but in no way replaces an actual sweeping.


We have a very complicated flue, with lots of bends, so our chimney sweep likes us to use a bûche in that stove as we finish using the stove in spring. He says it helps loosen the soot and make it better to sweep, and I guess he’d know.

However our insurance requires that we have our chimneys professionally swept once a year. It seems a small price to pay anyway to reduce the risk of a chimney fire.


Works very well, It will not clean completely on its own, but it is worth putting one before cleaning with brushes. We have a 10 m. chimney; on a 5 metre it probably would work on its own. Beware of chimney sweeps without a recommendation of someone you know.

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It is not nonsense. The fumes from the burning chemicals convert any tar deposits into solid matter which can then be removed by sweeping.
They are not meant to be a way to avoid a proper sweep…

Oh good, because I have seen them advertised as exactly that!

Thank you to everyone for your replies. I will be calling a ramoneur tomorrow as I get the feeling, having spoken to the previous occupants of our house, that our chimney has not been swept for some time.