Cardiologist Required - Secteur I

Perhaps you can refer me to a cardiologist in Paris from SECTEUR 1, without depassement d'honoraires and without waiting 3 months minimum for a good doctor or even a professor in a Hospital ?

I have some information to send you at a later date

Good morning SFN

I have exactly what you need.

On the Ameli website (in French) a program exists so that you enter either the name, specialty or medical act along with your town and it generates the closest possibilities with their address, phone numbers and even if they are "Secteur 1 ou 2".

I will retrieve the link and put a shortcut on my website with an English translation so that SFN members can have access to it.

Here is the link for now.

Hi Michelle,

I suggest - you make the title 'Cardiologist Required - Secteur I' then copy the rest of the text into the body of the discussion. It does look a bit weird in the front menu - I thought you were shouting when I first looked at your title :)

Hi Michle

Please can you edit your post, the body of it is in the title.



There's also the Groupe Hospitalier St Joseph in the XIVème who have 24 cardiologists and are conventionnés secteur 1 (brand new equipment they say). Their site has names etc of their doctors too. They do all examinations, test d'effort, holter etc as well as operations.

Or there's La Pitié Salpêtrière in the XIIIème. But the best cardiology hospital in France is Bordeaux CHU according to Le Point.

It's only 40 minutes direct by train (RER or Transilien) from the gare St Lazare to Thun-le-Paradis which is the station for the clinic.

Yes indeed, well said Tracy. Well done Carol and best wishes to Michle.

That is really kind Carol, I've read on various discussions how hard you work looking after your family so it's brilliant that you take the time to help someone else.

Michle, the American hospital should fit all your requirements but appointments are hard to get everywhere, private or not. The only issue is that if you go direct to a specialist you will not be fully reimbursed, for that you have to pass via your doctor. I hope it works and you get sorted out soon,

Thank you carol. It's much too far, I am in Paris. But I'll call them. I am sure it is in sector 2 or 3. You must have a mutuelle, otherwise you have to pay 60 euros minimum additional and that would be for each visit. And a heart problem is not one visit and this is it. There are a lot of tests to be done. And that costs money. This is why they never proposed it to me. It's only when I went to Brussels where I saw that professor who told me that I definitively need a coronography. For 5 years I have been complaining of pain and no doctor even suggested a "test d'effort".

I had to go to Belgium to have somebody who took my pain seriously. I am trying to get the securite sociale to accept that I have my coronography by this professor in Brussels.

The same for my aneurysm: I am going to have it done in Holland where I found a neurosurgeon who is also a neuroradiologist. Try to find this in France ! They do not exist.

Thank you for your kind information. But I'll call them to be sure.

I was hired while I was in America by a Belgium Company while I was in America to open for them a branch in Paris. I was the managing director for them in France. When they closed their factory in Belgium 2 years later, I couldn't find a job in Paris: Overqualified for a woman. The maximum they would pay was 12000 francs and I had a rent of 8000 francs + all electricity and heating charges. Therefore I had to go back to America where I stayed until 2006.

Now about the hospital. I have a suggestion for you: try to get an appointment in a hospital by a good doctor: the waiting time is a minimum 3 months wait. I called all afternoon. Plus, my financial position because of the retirement is far from being what it was and the private doctors are in sector 2 or 3 and charge between 100 to 300 euros. It's ok perhaps when you have only one doctor to see, but I will need a coronography and other tests. The additional charges are not covered by the securite sociale as you well know.

You can call for me if you don't believe me : Hopital saint Joseph with doctor Romain Cador (appointment not before end of March) , or at the clinique Bizet, dr. Attal (100 euros consultation and the securite sociale reimburse only 40 euros).

Besides, I have an aneurysm and I am already spending my retirement pension only to pay for a good doctor, because I don't want to do with any doctor and take the risk to be paralyzed which is a real possibility.

So you see it's not as easy as it seems.

I suggest you go to the french site :

try this too:

Please read what the french people say about the doctors seeing them for 3 mn. Those french people don't speak english so they cannot be a member of this site. Otherwise you'll find many people like me who are not so lucky with our system.

Well done Carol! x