Cats in Action

This is a great photo I think. Taken recently of a gorgeous little light ginger boy, Abricot, adopted from our Rescue Centre( to a young french family.

He has obviously found his feet and has even got to grips with emailing us photos of himself 'at home!'

Do you have some action photos of your cats??

Not really 'in action' but I just love this photo of a cat recently adopted, perhaps we could have some caption suggestions?

I bet he's on the site ordering goodies...

I do believe that ther is something attractive about electrical items - not only to cats but to 15 year old sons too!

When I look at the computer pictures, I come to the conclusion that the new generation of cats seem to be more or less into the same activities! It is a pity, because in the old days they would go watching birds, spend time visiting the neighbour cats, and now? Look at our Mischief, it tells you everything......They could have so much more fun outside.....

mine very busy catching mice lol , as we live in the countryside we have them in winter , in summer it s usually birds which they catch in the attic

and camera sits on the kitchen table all day , ready to use at any moment

well this is a way lol ..

I don't know how you get anything done Marijke, with all those wonderful subjects to observe!!

hope you didnt plan cleaning today …

one of my kittens