Charity bike ride through France

My nephew Clayton Newman and his brother Blake are doing a bike ride from Dieppe to L’Estartit in Spain for charity, with my brother Leslie acting as support along the route. This is being done in memory of Clay and Blakes father, Bill who died in November 2020.
Yesterday, they arrived in Carcassonne after stopping the night before just outside Toulouse. We went out last night with them all for a lovely meal in the Cite where lots of food and a modest amount of drink was consumed. It’s taken them 11 days to get here from Dieppe and they’re heading towards Perpignan today. They should arrive in L’Estartit tomorrow, all things going well.
If anyone’s interested, they can look on Instagram and Facebook to see what’s happening. Can’t embed links as it doesn’t seem to like them. Just search ‘Clayton Newman bike ride’


What a lovely thing for your nephews… to be doing this for Charity…
They will have some great experiences to look back on, when they finally get home and can relax…
Wonderful Memories in the making…

EDIT: I’ve just read this link and got a little wet-eyed… many of us have some experience with Dementia in our families…

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Oh yes, very damp eyed here too Stella :heart_eyes:

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