I have lots of bric a brac that I would like to get rid of.
There is not enough to pay for a stall at a Vide Grenier, not that I particularly want to do that anyway.
In the UK it is easy, just go to the one of many charity shops and drop off well whatever they will accept.
But I have not so far found anything like that in France. I am sure there must be but any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated, please.
Peter S
I think I already have - and more than one!
"The jigsaw continues and never ends ?"
Yep Norman but it's a bit of a bugger when you lose a piece !
you are probably right, how odd that I never picked up on that especially as I was a great investigator of Revolutionary and Napoleonic sites. It proves what I have often said about my travels - all you can recall at best is where your feet fell - and then not even that.
The jigsaw continues and never ends?
Well Cahors nick is slap bang in the centre of town so you will have walked past it loads of times without knowing it ! It's on the east side of the main drag just around the corner from the riverside. A nice old building tho' i'm not sure what's being done with it, probably conversion into flats or similar !
Here's an interesting article about it.
Hi Peter,
yes Tulle is closer to us only about 25 mins drive away. I din't know there was a nick there, but I never knew there was a prison in Cahors either, even though I lived near there for eight years. How strange?
The nearest nick to you is probably at Tulle Norman. Cahors actually closed it's doors a couple of years ago with the remaining inmates being transferred to Montauban. Cahors was, until that moment the oldest 'working' prison in France.
Tak about 'useless information' !
I don't even know where the nearest prison is!
Does your local prison have any banged-up Brits ? They might appreciate something to read.
There is also a charitable organization called Secours Populaire, established in 1945. You'd have to check on pagesjaunes.fr if there is one in your area. I donate household items, clothes and books and also buy books there.
Thanks for that Roger, I will check with ours in Brive.
My local Emmaus (near Pau) has an "etranger" section in their book section.
I have a mass of English books - paperback, gardening etc., that I want to clear out, does anyone know if Emmaus would be interested in these? Or anyone else - we live near Beaulieu-sur Dordogne, so straddle the South Correze and North Lot mainly.
Thank you all.
The nearest Emmaus and Secours Catholique is at PĂ©rigueux, about 90 minutes drive, but then we can go onto the Moulin du Roc at Brantome for lunch.
So we can do some good for our souls and our bodies on the same day!
Could be worse.
Emmaus is the obvious choice though the Secours Catholique and various Evangelical churches take stuff to sell on at jumble sales etc
Another really worthwhile one is the local Association Parents Eleves which usually has a fund-raising section for school projects. Most of the local kermesses will have a stall run by the PE where they will sell anything including donations of homemade cakes etc.
There are a few Red Cross places that have buns and boxes outside their depots for you to drop things off when they are closed…
There was one in Bazas, Peter...it closed but there might be one north of Bordeaux. Not very convienent...
Thank you Mandy.
Of course I know Emmaus but for some reason thought that had closed down.
But brilliant, just what I was looking for.