Cheer up, everyone, it's Back-to-Brexit time!

Just when you thought things would never go back to normal, the green shoots of the forgotten Brexit Brouhaha have begun to sprout again.

It’s that old familiar “No Custom Checks At The Irish Border” gauntlet thrown down by Beefy Brit Boris last year, in his Get Brexit Done prime and pomp. Remember that? How we stamped our feet, lifted busty blondes off their feet, and fell at BloJo’s ill-shod feet in patriotic fervour?

Oh ye of little faith! The dusty gauntlet has been picked up where it fell, and swiped across the smarting chops of the Bully Boys of Brussels! The Bulldog growls again! Rejoice! Rejoice! (“at that news” ©Maggie the Thatch).

It’s wonderful just how quickly normality has returned…I’ve almost forgotten all about Coronavirus, or whatever it was called

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God! I was wondering how long it would take.
Me, I’m going Underground! Before the Brixit & Covid 19 experts - gang get to me!


Smart guys, such vitality to share…:+1::sun_with_face:

Good stuff, that takes one back to a time when white socks were still fashionably, or socially acceptable. Later in the late 1980s(?) - I remember them being banned by Newcastle nightclubs (and quite rightly too!)

Saw The Jam a couple of times, just realised it was nearly 40 years ago. :astonished:

With NHS having never been more appreciated, I trust that NHS is now off the table in post Brexit deals with USA.

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Nah…this week maybe but give it a few months.