Confirmed Britons will need a carte de sejour!

Carol I am not trying to be funny…and I am not auditioning of an OBE.
Yes, sometimes we do not feel so good and it is reflected in what we type.
But I am sure that I am not being nick named Babs because it is cute?

Hello Mandy Yes i still have lots of treatment , but i have to go through it until the end of my life be it short or long.
I have asked Stella to take me of the list because i have other things to do; bye

I am so sorry to see you go from these pages, Carol, you have a very human voice, your courage and sincerity an inspiration to many.

Go well on your journey but don’t feel you walk alone, we shall be near and thinking of you with much affection. Peter x

Carol I gather that you are not feeling great and that is sad;
But it is good to keep in touch!
Many of us have a decent share of aches and pains and it will
be great to wake up one day and feel like I did when I was 22.
But that will never be.
It is ok if you do not like me…I do have friends.
So please stay on SF and share your memories of the Beverly sisters.

Those of us who live in France full time are by law EU citizens so even if Britain leaves we will still be EU citizens I think our human rights would not allow us to be stripped of our citizenship so why should we have to worry about getting a carte de sejour to stay here

because we do not trust politicians…perhaps.

I’m sorry you have decided to leave us Carol. I wish you all the best and hope the treatment continues to keep you as well as possible.

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Sadly Barbara, Carol has secondary bone cancer after previously suffering with breast cancer. She has recently had chemotherapy and radiotherapy and takes morphine for her pain. In the circumstances, she has every right to feel a bit under the weather.


Yes she does.
I am sad for her to be going through so much.
I am a cancer survivor…so to speak because a day does not go buy
which is painless.
The scars of survival do crazy things to your confidence.
Not much more to say but I hope that Carol comes back to talk.

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I hope your treatment progresses well, it’s a tough thing to face. However don’t leave SF just because of one thread, but stay around and hopefully we can give you some moral support in your battle.

This should be in Health Care and carte vitale section not in the BRexit section about carte de sejour !!

@shihtzu: Dinner party rules apply, so conversation can meander and diverge from the original post.
Thank you for your contribution nevertheless.


Re Dinner Party Rules, Véro, I have got the impression from reading about French life, that conversation at French soirées can become very animated and argumentative, with no holds barred (verbally), and no shibboleth unviolated out of mere politeness.

Is this a misapprehension on my part?

Perhaps UK Dinner Party Rules apply, of which I have absolutely no first-hand knowledge whatsoever. Don’t they involve no sex, no religion and no politics?

Not here in the Clunysois.
Politics and religion are no no’s.

The dinner parties I attend are always great fun. Conversations are lively, boring or anything in between… depending on the mix of people… but folk are generally polite to one another. If someone does let rip with a few “choice words” it is usually followed by a swift apology to the world in general… and then the babble of voices flows on again…

Conversation at a dinner party is not meant to give anyone indigestion… :wink::relaxed:

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Thanks, Jane, I’ve googled your neck of the woods to learn more about it.

Beautiful Clunysois, I pass through on my way from chez moi to chez mes parents in Germany and it is gorgeous at all times of year.

Wishing you well Carol and still holding you in my thoughts when I light my candles every evening…you’re a brave Lady and I have always loved your contribution…My daughter starts an experimental treatment this week…I hope you reconsider leaving…with love…xxx


Word for word translations are always open to misunderstanding -
“Défense de pénétrer sur l’herbe.”

Me too.