Consent for inclusion in "SFN Art Village Online" e-magazine

Can I be included in this as Artist of sorts? I agree to have images of my artwork included in SFN Art Village Online magazine.

OK with me Shiela, good luck!

Yes, indeed, John, and you may well be called on! I think if it's ok with you, we will use your wording for the copyright warning. The one I had drafted was a bit more wordy, but yours covers everything. Cheers!

Hi Jon, you raise a valid point ref copyright and copying.

For style and ease it was hoped that a 'generic' copyright reference / disclaimers page be inserted.

Also we are hoping that interested parties are 'referred' by links etc. back to SFN, or the individual's Profile Pages.

May well can upon you for assistance..thanks


yes I consent. For both my artistic work styles

Consent granted. Josephine Thompson

Hello, what a lovely idea!! Yes, I agree to have images of my artwork included in SFN Art Village Online magazine.

Thanks and look forward to seeing everyone's work :-)

Thank you Sheila,

Consent granted. Ron Birks