Could Johnson's and Macron's strategies be any more divergent?

I’ll be first in the queue for a third jab in September :slightly_smiling_face:

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I was happy to have both jabs, but I’ll want the experts to show their working before I line up for a 3rd one.

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Actually catching covid will kick your immune system into operation provided you have both jabs. Wether that is better or worse than a 3rd jab we’ll have to wait and see but do not leave out your flu jab this year. If you catch flu and you are unlucky to come into contact with covid expert says that could be a bad outcome.

From what I’ve read so far, there is a tail-off of effectiveness over time (rather like flu jabs) so a booster sometime later is a good idea. I don’t know how long “they” are thinking of after the first two but Macron was talking particularly about people who’d had the very early ones. We had ours in May so I don’t expect we’ll be called soon in any case.

While only a punter like yourself Guy I’ve done a lot of research on this. I’ve also had my daughter research it with her doctor colleagues. Bottom line is that IMO there no downside to a 3rd jab. I’m going to spend August in Ireland and I’d already decided to blag a third shot there. Preferably a mRNA but reports on a third AZ are also promising. Now that Macron has aligned with my assessment ( :joy:) I’ll wait for my third here :slightly_smiling_face:

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I reckon that might be best… then your French “vaccination history” will be up to date.

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As ever the Connexion is missing some critical details about the third vaccine!

What’s that Jane?

Exactly Stella.

His exact words were…

“Je veux ici les rassurer. Dès la rentrée, une campagne de rappels sera mise en place pour vous permettre de bénéficier d’une nouvelle injection selon le même système et dans les mêmes conditions que la ou les premières.”

So the same system and the same conditions as the first vaccine, which is to say

Il s’agit des patients :
atteints de cancers et de maladies hématologiques malignes en cours de traitement par chimiothérapie ;
atteints de maladies rénales chroniques sévères, dont les patients dialysés ;
transplantés d’organes solides ;
transplantés par allogreffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques ; atteints de poly-pathologies chroniques et présentant au moins deux insuffisances d’organes ;
atteints de certaines maladies rares et particulièrement à risque en cas d’infection (liste spécifique établie par le COS et les filières de santé maladies rares) ;
atteints de trisomie 21.

I still don’t understand Jane. I got my first jab in March as did my much younger and healthier wife. I’d say they’ll be jabbing everyone in sight from here on, be it first, second or third. And dead right too IMHO :slightly_smiling_face:

Which suggests you were not eligible for the first wave? I had my first dose in January and second in February.

You were specifically talking about the third dose. I agree that they will be handing out first and second doses as fast as they possibly can, but third doses appear to be more restricted - at least for the minute.

Because of my wonky immune system it is quite possible that the first 2 doses gave me no or little protection. So I asked my specialist about it yesterday, and she thought she would need to give me a prescription for it as it would not be automatic.