Covid restrictions

In light of the latest Covid19 restrictions where all non essential services are closed indefinitely, presumably my up -coming Control Technique rendezvous will also be affected.

No idea, but my pilates classes have been cancelled.

I wonder whether items ordered online will still be delivered?


This is all unprecedented so I don’t think anyone really knows for sure right now - it will become clear in a couple of days.

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CT is a reasonable question… since not much contact is necessary but the examination/legality is necessary…

as for the everything else… common sense is what is needed in spades… :zipper_mouth_face: :roll_eyes: :hugs:

happy Sunday…

I was granted a two month extension on my CT because a spare part for an essential repair was delayed in Spain. I didn’t know this was allowed, but I got a special sticker to put in the windscreen that allowed me to drive the vehicle until it was retested.

Swimming pool closed this morning. Not even a notice on the door. Checked the website yesterday and no hint that this would happen.
Looks like a case of panic closing!

If you have used the testing station previously, you should get a reminder when the next test is due.
Logically, they would let you know if there was a temporary suspension of testing.
But there isn’t a lot of logic around at the moment - if there ever was!

Latest news is that they are closing non-essential shops.
I wonder if that means that supermarkets will only be allowed to sell essential items and how those would be defined?

I think @Mike_Kearney that we must wait and see, and make our own judgements on the basis of our local experience, as far as is practicable in discussion with others.

It’s pretty clear the state is having to make it up as the situation unfolds, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution available, nor will one emerge, however much people crave certainty in an uncertain and often unpredictable world.

Welcome to the future, where we have to learn to function like grown-ups again.

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If the travel restrictions continue, what obligations are on gite owners who have been paid deposits in good faith for holidays that may now not be viable?
Would you expect Gite owners to return the money even if originally specified as non returnable?

Seems more likely they were following the guidelines…

Il a annoncé la fermeture de tous les “lieux recevant du public non indispensables à la vie du pays” : restaurants, bars, discothèques, cinémas. Les commerces sont aussi touchés, à l’exception des magasins alimentaires, pharmacies, banques, bureaux de tabac ou encore stations essence. Les lieux de culte resteront ouverts mais les cérémonies n’auront plus lieu.

I don’t think we can call the Swimming Baths indispensable … do you ???

Not sure what your query is all about… Mike… :wink:

Are tobacconists essential, or is the term a generic for newsagents and lottery outlets?

Beat me to it! I was just going to say that from my point of view, swimming is more important than the ability to buy tobacco.

Stella, what query was that?

tobacconists sell all sorts of stuff… including timbre fiscal… :wink:

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quite possibly I misunderstood your comments… you seemed to be querying why the Baths would be closed…