Covid website crashed

Just tried sante dot fr to try to book a jab (>75yo) but it is ‘down for maintenance’.

that is encouraging, if annoying.
It means that there people who want vaccination.


I heard on the radio this morning that many people are already making appts by phone, successfully, at least in that region (sorry, not sure where it was).

In the ‘previous’ sante dot fr page (i.e. when I looked on Tuesday) there was a telephone # for Marmande but I didn’t note it down. Anyway, maybe there would now be closer jabcentres to here (Razac d’Eymet).

I think it is due to a virus… I apologise!


Just checked. Supposed to be back online at 8am tomorrow. Fingers crossed. :grin:

Mmmm… they now have a map of France with maybe 200 places dotted on it. But you can’t proceed …

Until yesterday, the site was announcing that it is would be open to make online C-19 vaccination appointments from the afternoon of 14th January.

Edit to add:
On the afternoon of 14th January the website is now saying it will be open at 08:00 on 15th January for Covid-19 vaccination appointments.

A doctor decided to vaccinate an Englishman, Frenchman, German and American.

He says to the Englishman:

  • It’s over here, your vaccine, please.

  • I don’t want to!

  • Come on! Come on! A gentleman would get a vaccination.

And the Englishman gets vaccinated.

Doctor addresses the German:

  • Now it’s your turn.

  • No, thanks!

  • That’s an order!

And the German gets vaccinated.

Doctor addresses the American:

  • Now it’s your turn.

  • Under no circumstances!

  • But you know, your neighbor got vaccinated.

And the American gets vaccinated.

The doctor addresses the Frenchman:

  • To you now!

  • I won’t get vaccinated!

  • Come on, a gentleman would get vaccinated.

  • In no way!

  • That’s an order!

  • No, no!

  • You know, your neighbour got vaccinated…

  • I don’t care!

Where did you come from?

  • From France.

  • Ah, a Frenchman! Anyway you’re not entitled to the vaccine.


… and the Frenchman gets vaccinated.

Maybe that is why?


Not quite open to just anyone. As a fit 74-year old looks like I’m not eligible.

La vaccination est désormais ouverte à l’ensemble des personnes appartenant aux catégories suivantes :

  • Les résidents volontaires en EHPAD et USLD, qui sont vaccinés directement dans les établissements.
  • Les personnes âgées séjournant dans les établissements de santé et en services de soins de suite et de réadaptation.
  • Les personnes âgées hébergées en résidences autonomie, résidences services et autres lieux de vie spécialisés, ainsi que dans les foyers de travailleurs migrants.
  • Les personnes en situation de handicap, vulnérables, hébergées en maisons d’accueil spécialisées et foyers d’accueils médicalisés.
  • Les professionnels de santé (et autres professionnels des établissements de santé et des établissements médico-sociaux intervenant auprès de personnes vulnérables), les aides à domicile intervenant auprès de personnes âgées et handicapées vulnérables et les sapeurs-pompiers, lorsqu’ils ont plus de 50 ans ou présentent une ou plusieurs des comorbidités suivantes :
    • L’obésité (IMC>30),
    • La BPCO et l’insuffisance respiratoire,
    • L’hypertension artérielle compliquée,
    • L’insuffisance cardiaque,
    • Le diabète (de type 1 et de type 2)
  • Les personnes ayant une pathologie qui les expose à un très haut risque face à la Covid-19 disposant d’une ordonnance médicale pour se faire vacciner prioritairement.
    Les patients particulièrement vulnérables à la Covid concernés sont les suivants :
    • atteints de cancer et de maladies hématologiques malignes en cours de traitement par chimiothérapie
    • atteints de maladies rénales chroniques sévères, dont les patients dialysés
    • transplantés d’organes solides
    • transplantés par allogreffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques
    • atteints de poly-pathologies chroniques, selon le critère suivant : au moins deux insuffisances d’organes
    • atteints de certaines maladies rares (voire liste sur le site du ministère de la santé)
    • atteints de trisomie 21.

Si vous êtes concerné, vous pouvez vous faire vacciner dès à présent dans un des centres de vaccination ouverts.

Yes, it’s been clear from the beginning that this website is not for everyone, just priority people…

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Well that step was straightforward! Had a GP appointment this morning and confirmed that I qualify as a priority because of my disease and drugs. She said I did, would write a prescription, and that the surgery was doing a weekly vaccine clinic for priority people starting next week, bookable via Doctolib. Trundled home, checked Doctolib and one appt still available for next week. Booked! Automatically get appt for 2nd dose 4 weeks later.

So if you qualify, go onto Doctolib, put in vaccin covid-19 and your nearest town and see what pops up. You could be pleasantly surprised.


Did all that (except GP visit). It’s a dead-end (at least, it was for me). You get transferred from sante dot fr to Doctolib, few questions, then invite to a rdv THIS AFTERNOON!!. Answer few more questions online. Press accept…DESOLE. and a pretty cartoon picture of a doctor and a nurse. Someone we know visited GP and was told the whole thing is a total shambles.

Had you selected a location and a time slot first?

Yes, Jane. I chose Marmande and 15:15 this afternoon. Then I went through about 10 simple questions on Doctolib then the final page said DESOLE… I can’t remember just what was said, I closed the laptop in temper!

Not surprised you’re cross…try again in the morning? I’m going to keep fingers crossed until next week as until vaccine is in my arm it’s not certain. Especially with news just now that supplies are being reduced.

(Edit: it may be that only a small amount of the vaccine has got to your area yet as you aren’t in one of the heavily affected zones…? Nice, Toulon, Ile de France and the eastern areas of France are getting priority)

For those of you who aren’t sure if you qualify for this wave of vaccine under the rather vague category of “maladies rare”, here is the HAS official list of them.


Would I be allowed to travel to Martinique or Réunion this week ? Plenty of vacancies for the jab.

Announced the other day, you have to have a negative test and then isolate when you get there. And test before your return. Not much of a holiday!