Crit'Air exemption

Oh well, water under…

Impossible Chris :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I have the stickers, if their equipment malfunctions, woe betide them :slightly_smiling_face:

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Talking of detectors, has anyone been caught by these plain clothes cars going round in the big towns and cities yet?

Not only big towns and cities there are several around here who travel on rural routes. I follow a local Facebook page where users report their sightings.

Thats how they will get old diesels and petrols off the roads, through legislation.

The 24 one-day exemption passes are definitely handy if you find yourself needing to enter Crit’Air zones but don’t have the right emissions category. I’ve used something similar in the past, and it’s pretty straightforward to apply for, though it’s always good to do it in advance since the process can take a little while. It’s a useful option if you’re not in the zone often but still need to get in for a specific day.

I’ve stuck my CrirAir vignette in the correct place on the windscreen of my Golf ready got its trip to Nantes this week. I was amazed to see that my 19 year old car has a level 2 sticker.

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yep, my 19 year old car is equally blessed :+1:

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Just realising my new car is actually 15y old :face_with_hand_over_mouth:class 2 :+1:

Ditto my (petrol) Honda Accord estate - 2009 reg. and classe deux :+1:

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Yes, I haven’t owned a diesel since 2003.

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