Curfew in parts of France

Carl, you need an attestation to travel after hours (between 21h00 and 06h00) and for one of the reasons on the attestation, here it is :wink:

16-10-2020-attestation-de-deplacement-derogatoire.pdf (29.0 KB)

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It changes my working day as I will no longer be delivering La DĆ©pĆŖche to the bar and having my morning coffee with mates before starting work. apart from that no real change, for the momentā€¦! Iā€™ll just need the usual professional attestation for days like today when Iā€™m in to work early 05h30 for a delivery.

There doesnā€™t seem to be much logic to mask wearing. I put one on when I go into a shop and I understand that, however, could I be infected while walking in a wood or on a common? If I need to wear a mask in these situations then I would need to wear one in my car or on a motor-bike.

Quite possiblyā€¦ the best answer is to wear a mask at all timesā€¦ but I canā€™t see many folk accepting thatā€¦

Thus, itā€™s a question of reduce-the-risk by offering folk something that is not too arduousā€¦


Pretty unlikely, especially if there was no-one else around.

Masks do not protect the wearer, they reduce the risk that the wearer poses to others, hence the need for everyone to wear them for there to be a benefit.


Thank you Andrew - that is exactly the advice I was hoping for :slight_smile:

Form printed and added to the mountain of paperwork that will be fully accessible during the journey.

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It wonā€™t make any difference to us at all.
Our neighbour who is a baker and who leaves will need an attestation as he leaves at 2.30.

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Well the ā€œronaā€ has arrived in our office building, with my neighbour across the corridor having been tested positive, and a client I met on Friday was relating that a mutual acquaintance has also been tested positive and been quite poorly, fortunately no hospitalisation, so it is lurkingā€¦I saw the landlord going around disinfecting all the door handles this morning, and telling me heā€™s getting all of his staff tested this week as they are all potential contacts with the neighbour across the corridorā€¦time to go and work from home methinksā€¦

Stay safe Alex

whoopsā€¦ you get safe asapā€¦

best of luck :hugs:

Itā€™s not going to stop people especially in rural areas around here cars where just taking the small roads during the last lockdown did not see any form of gendarmes around at night ore day no more then the normal place where they always are the donā€™t have enough officers to do anything about sad but true and with people reporting where they are on traffic apps itā€™s going to be impossible