Day out suggestions


Has anybody got any suggestions for a day out with nice countryside south/south-east of Paris?

Strongly need to see some greenery and perhaps visit a chateau and not be reminded of the stress of working in Paris.


Good luck Gary. You may not know this but the sandstone boulders in the Forest of Fontainebleau were very popular with Parisian rock climbers of the 1950's. If you've ever crammed your feet into a pair of Pierre Alain rock climbing shoes PA's or their English equivalent "Masters" you remember that sort of thing.(if they don't hurt they're too big!)

Thanks, will look into those books.

Thanks. Have been there and is excellent for day trip.

Take a look at two books: "An Hour fFrom Paris," Annabel Simms and "Paris to the Past," by Ina Caro. The former specialises in short day trips via SNCF and the later on trips on the TGV that are doable in a day.

Why not Fontainbleau you don't even have to drive there.