Does Social Media have any power?

I’m horrified by events in Brunei… but wonder if blacklisting the hotels will do any good… IMO “oil money” wins every time…

When you dig a bit deeper you find the UK has many ties with Brunei so I doubt the current media storm will have any real effect.

None at all unless it’s a photo of your cat or your lunch

It’s bound to give the staff at those hotels something to think about and talk about as they make the smelly beds, clean the crappy toilets and scrape the dirty plates of the rich and famous who stay there.

And it will be a crumb of consolation for the terrified gays and lesbians in those revolting theocratic cess-pits the arses of whose strutting tyrants our politicians are happy to lovingly lick.

I believe that thete will be a protest outside the Dorchester.

So poetically put.

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Your prose is pretty pithy too, Jane, and flattery will get you everywhere. Is her sap of goodwill rising with the spring hyacinths, I muse?:laughing: