Dogs needing homes

If you've been thinking that you might like a little four legged friend to share your life with, please think again before going to any pet shops or breeders. There are so many dogs at the refuges that desperately need fostering or adoption.

Little Tomy here has just been added to the Doglinks site (great work they do) and of course the refuges are overloaded with pets that have been rescued from appalling conditions or have simply been abandoned. Please take a look at Tomy and the other animals on the site just in case you can help.

Tomy : Chihuahua cross :: special SOS

July 26, 2012 by doglinks

Hidden from view where nobody gets to see him in a refuge for three long years!

Won’t someone take pity on this little fellow…. please?

Little Tomy is 6 years old and has spent half his life abandoned in a refuge in Spain and it’s been very hard on such a small boy. He’s got character but is losing ground as he gets so little attention and doomed to be overlooked…… he has NO chance unless we help him!

He was bought as a puppy and used as a ‘toy’ – never given any proper training or care and so it’s no surprise that he soon became surplus to requirements and found himself amidst the big stray and tortured Galgos (Greyhounds) hidden away from the public view with no hope. Levrier & Co who regularly visit, rescue and rehome the Galgos and Podencos from Spain, saw him struggling to be noticed and grab some affection – they were so sorry for him, pictured him on their site and showed him to us for help.

Unless we can find this little bundle a foster home at the very least, he is destined to lose all hope and give up what little spirit he has left. He needs to have a loving, dedicated owner who will give him the one to one love and affection he has never had the luxury of – kindly teach him how it is to be in a home again – time and patience and a place he will have for the rest of his life. Someone to show him people can be kind and make him a happy dog.

Please contact us on :- 05 65 69 12 26 or email at :- help us help Tomy and get him out of his prison. He will be vaccinated, chipped and castrated by Levrier & Co upon adoption – a little treasure for someone to make better and love.

So many are being left behind or even being locked inside houses now while the 'loving owners' go off elsewhere that the refuges are inundated. If you can't adopt, maybe think about fostering for a while, while the perfect home is being found. At least it will get a dog out of a cage and into a loving environment before it loses its spirit. The volunteers do everything they can but without enough human contact and affection many of these dogs go downhill fast.

So, so true Valerie, thank you for sharing this with us all.

At this time of year especially when so many are abandonned please help these gorgeous animals, if you can't adopt, then spread the word!!