Domestic violence during the lockdown

Not a pleasant subject but as there have been two deaths that I know about in our locality in the last 24 hours…

If you are confined at home with a violent or abusive partner, you MUST leave and seek help. You are allowed to leave the house if this is the case.

There is an emergency number to call - 3919

And if anyone needs to - please contact myself, @james or one of our admins @vero or @Stella

Stay safe everyone.


Just to let everyone know that I will be checking this thread regularly… or a Private Message will certainly find me.

I confirm, whole-heartedly… please do not continue to suffer… please make contact with someone who can help…


As someone who suffered from domestic violence in England… Physical, emotional and financial this is extremely important… Thank you for raising the subject… Jen xxxx


I can’t take the credit - it was my daughter who promoted me to post and she was quite right!

Sorry you had to go through that xxx


I posted this in another thread - disgraceful!


It’s worth noting… that it is not always the man who is the “bully”. A woman can be just as awful …

so… no matter who you are… if you’re suffering… if you need help… just make contact.


Both victims and witnesses can, and indeed should, make contact with the 24hr help facility which is available from the link below.

Durant toute la période du confinement, la plateforme en ligne vous permet de signaler des violences, que vous en soyez victime ou témoin, et de bénéficier d’assistance et de conseils.

Elle est gratuite, anonyme, sécurisée et disponible 24h/24 et 7 jours sur 7. Elle assure un accueil et une orientation personnalisés