Electricity to norm


I wonder if anyone has had their house upgraded to electrical nomrs recently? We are taking on a house near Fontenay le Comte which will need re-wiring to present norms. It is about 170 sq.m (maison de maitre style stone house). Any ideas about estimated costs?

Any help/tips would be appreciated.

Thanks David -will send you an email.

Please send me your email address as the files are all in excel and don't want to load here. You can send to davidjohn.rosemont@sfr.fr. I assume you have excel.

Merci Andrew, It sounds as if your estimate is likely as copper seems to have gone up recently.


Merci David,

Yes the spreadsheet will help me feel better organised!

Thanks for your advice.

One thing to consider is the power rating of the main. I had my similar house done about ten years ago so it cost quite a bit less than the fogure quoted by Andrew. However I had some later work done in the dependences and initially I kept the old Chauffe Eau but it gave up after about 8 years. I did not have 6 wire wiring put in to electric rads but wish I had done in retrospect. Consider the number of sockets etc carefully as around here most French owned houses have a pitiful number of sockets. Depends on the sockets and switches you have too. I ended up upgrading the supply to 3 phase eventually as we were having a massive number of trip outs. Despite all this the new main consumer units did nearly catch fire one day when there was a power surchage. We have six smoke detectors in the house plus CO2 detection in the kitchen. Put in TV cabling at the same time. If you need one I can let you have some blank spreadsheets to list everything you need (used to do it for a living!). The work in my house was done by a certified French electrician. They are very busy !!!!!!!!!!

Very much depends on what you're going to put in - the number of sockets etc. Given the size of the house (although it's more a question of the number of rooms and therefore sockets etc.) a ball-park figure would be 10.000€ but ask a couple of local electricians for a devis ;-)