Embedding video into Powerpoint

Hi - Be gentle with me, I’m more IN-competent when it comes to IT-competency!

I am writing a powerpoint presentation, and would love to include a video-clip from a YouTube video. Is it possible? If so, how do I do it? The simpler the explanation, the more likely I am to understand it!

So I’ve heard. Not speaking from experience here, you understand!

What? You mean that there might be ‘naughty’ things out there on the interwebby thing???


ROFL! Thank goodness you weren’t looking at something totally embarrassing!!

Unintentionally giving you the wrong link, the goat bridge was one I looked at after finding the one you needed - so ‘my bad’

Your bad what?!

Whoops - My bad!

I have now found it here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJkE5FwAqG8&feature=related

Dohhhh. a goat bridge! Very entertaining, but not quite what I wanted!

Thanks Steve. I’m diving in now. If you don’t hear from me for a while, send a search party!..

It doesn’t look that easy, but here’s a LINK to a YouTube video showing how to do it…