Exchanging Irish Driving Permit

I hope someone out there can help me. My OH and I recently went to our sous-préfecture to exchange our Irish permit for a French one. The issue of the new type of French permit had gone into effect and we had to fill out new forms. The lady took all our relative information and photocopies of everything needed, including our cheque for the exchange fees (which was just recently cashed).

Today we have received a letter requesting an official 'attestation' from the Irish authorities confirming our right to drive. ("attestation officielle récente obtenue auprès de l'état de délivrance du permis de conduire attestant de la validité des droits à conduire").

Has anyone else been requested to furnish one of these, and if so, how did you go about getting one? From the RSA? I have just spoken with the Embassy and they know nothing about this.

Any advice is much appreciated.