Fantasy British Prime Minister

Shocking analogy indeed but yes, very amusing :rofl::rofl:


I would rate your mind as carefully calibrated and kink-free, based on what I’ve seen of its application on SF, with the caveat that I also see things through my own personal prism.

I thought the analogy was shocking too, but not inappropriate. One can take steps to avoid the pox and a dose of clap, but those two calamities will be imposed on us regardless.


Perfectly worded Peter, my northern roots seem to have robbed me of such eloquent words. Perhaps you should be our Fantasy Prime Minister?


[quote=“John_Hall, post:23, topic:26140, full:true”] Perhaps you should be our Fantasy Prime Minister?

We’re talking chocolate teapots here, John. I’ve as much chance of becoming PM - by the way he has performed in his first hustings appearance this afternoon - as the preposterously clueless claimant Boris Johnson. What a walking disaster he shows himself to be.

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I initially misread the thrust of this thread and thought all the candidates were suitable as fantasist potential…and haven’t seen much since the campaign was launched to make me change my mind.

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I nominate you as Sceptically of State for Teeth Sucking, @JohnA, and may I put in an application to be your bag-carrier? :grinning: