Filmon - do you use it? Do you want it on SFN?

Do you use to watch TV on your computer?

Would it be useful to you to have those channels available via SFN or are you happy as you are?

Here is an example of how it could look, this is just one channel - Film 4



We do not currently use Filmon, we only rely on free to air tv channels. We would be interested in using the service, particularly for channels we are currently unable to obtain ie channels 4 and 5.

Yes I do use it but generally just to watch the news in the morning through a stand alone app on an Ipad, so I doubt I would use it through here.

Is it better than Filmon Holly?

I would, but the last time I said anything on an open forum like this, literally the next day, all of the links on the site stopped working. To this day, I can't get any of the links on that site to work. It may have absolutely nothing to do with it and more than likely, I'm being paranoid, but this time, after finding a new link, I'll have to keep my source a secret! Sorry!

Yes (we use it). Would we watch it via SFN? Why?


This might be useful if I were ill in bed, or there was a real clash between our viewing wants. I tend to read in bed though!

Hi Holly, what is the link? Do tell !

Currently, I watch television shows via another site online. Would be nice to have this too in case that site ever crashed!

Yes, I have my a big enough screen, it can be swivelled for me to wrap up warm in bed and let the kids have the TV. I'm watching a movie on it tonight (DVD though) and if the idea was seen favourably with enough people would go with it.