Filter Bubbles & Echo Chambers: How the Internet Affects Your Mind


I do have difficulty in ingesting information conveyed by people who make the same gesture with each hand as they’re speaking. One more reason to criticise the legacy of rappers…

I’m alsoold enough to remember a time when one only needed one hand to support the conveyance of verbal information. As far as I understand, younger media professionals believe that it’s necessary to wave both hands about, otherwise young people don’t find them interesting. I find it difficult to believe that ‘young people’ might be so stupid, so I’d be very grateful for evidence to the contrary.

Unfortunately,I find this young person extremely irritating - so I also find it difficult to listen to what he’s trying to convey, instead I notice that he’s subconsciously flaunting his new loafers and that the chrome chess set’s really naff. And as for that gorilla and the art work behind him - it’s all shiny surfaces that reflect rather than engage…

Sorry James, that’s probably not the sort of positive response you’d hoped for!