FRANCE Daily 2022, Passe, Vax, Travel (Update) etc

I quite agree with you there!
Personnaly I’ve only had the one jab and then I’m sure I didn’t need it as test showed during / that I had the antibodies. I’ve had C-19 at least twice now both the Alpha & Delta but both times been asymptomatic I’ve only tested because of close contact with symptomatic people. It’s going to sound strange… but I’m waiting for the next close C-19 contact to have another test hoping for another positif result, so not needing a jab. Looks like my immune system is is good shape, I wish others could say the same.

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Pour obtenir le nouveau passe vaccinal, il faudra un schéma complet (deux doses ou une seule, en fonction du vaccin). À partir du 15 février, il faudra effectuer une dose de rappel quatre mois - et non plus sept - après sa deuxième dose pour que le passe reste valable. Dans certaines circonstances à définir par décret, et au nom de « l’intérêt de la santé publique », il pourra être exigé la présentation cumulée d’un justificatif de statut vaccinal et d’un test négatif.

After 15th February folk need to have had 1st and 2nd jabs and their 3rd within 4 months of their 2nd jab, in order to maintain their Pass.
(77.5% have had the lot…)

Covid-19. Un signe d’espoir se dessine en France, voici les derniers chiffres de l’épidémie

Le pic d’infection de la cinquième vague semble être passé en France, selon l’épidémiologiste Arnaud Fontanet ce lundi 17 janvier 2022. De plus, un reflux semble se dessiner également dans les services de soins critiques ces derniers jours. On fait le point en graphiques sur les derniers chiffres de l’épidémie en France.

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and for future years … possibly…

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Thank you very much for posting these updates Stella.

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18th January 19h25

Just wow. Make me wonder if this is a further variant from Omicron, the way it’s ripping through France despite all the care taken.

Another slant…

I think that serious underreporting on the previous day (102,000) may have something to do with this alarming figure. If you average the last two days, then it’s almost exactly the same figure as the previous day.
In saying that, even if you look at 3 or 7 day averages, it’s still pretty alarming.

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That’s helpful to know - I’ve not been generally following the figures for France, and had not been aware of this discrepancy.

Same here. I only realised this less than an hour ago.

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19th Jan 18h31

What does a rate of 170% reanimation occupancy mean - are the patients stacked on top of each other?

Top and tailing maybe. Staggering numbers the last few days…

yes, seems crazy. France seems to have overtaken England. Perhaps because England has ‘let rip’ just about everyone has it at the moment so now the ‘fire’ has burnt out (until the next variant / fire). France / Europe still running through this variant?
Hopefully France will will soon recover - just weird these ITU stats?

Need to keep a perspective on metrics…