FRANCE Daily 2022, Passe, Vax, Travel (Update) etc

Sunday’s figures… mild ebb in contaminations, but slight increase in hospitalisations.

Monday’s figures

Hospital numbers on the increase

Tuesday’s figures…
seems it’s not going away…

No, it isn’t. I keep hearing of people I know having it, recovering and then just a few weeks later being reinfected. Our next door neighbour caught it 4 weeks after recovering, and she’s quite sick this time.

That’s Omicron for you, I’m afraid.

Wednesday’s figures…

looking for… hoping for… an annual vaccine…

Thursday’s figures

and a slightly different explanation…

Exactly the same for a friend of ours!

Yet another person in our village has “gone down”… and is feeling very, very poorly… despite 3 jabs. Phew… getting closer and closer to our door. :roll_eyes:

Avoid if you can. Wear FFP2 masks around people and don’t trust anyone displaying symptoms even if they had a negative test.


Given that so many people are NOT wearing masks these days another possible level of protection is to buy masks with copper woven into the fabric. Copper is a known antibacterial and antiviral and affords some protection to the wearer.

My personal viewpoint is these are a pure gimmick. If the virus gets stuck in a mask (where the copper might inactivate it) then it won’t infect you, and if it passes through into your lungs then the copper couldn’t work anyway. I have no data other than what appears obvious to back this up, but could not see any data on the link supporting an increased effectiveness over a proper filter mask. At £23 they are a lot of money for something that won’t offer more personal protection to the wearer than a standard fabric mask, even if they help protect those around you.

IMO you’d be much better off buying filter masks.

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The Senat is looking into the secondary effect of Covid vaccines.

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I noticed this in Sud Ouest last month, but haven’t seen any further information as yet… but, I’ll keep my eyes open for the Report of their findings…

Friday’s figures… new cases are dropping, but…

Saturday’s figures

Sunday’s figures
“Over the past 24 hours, the French public health agency has recorded 86,650 cases of SARS-CoV2 virus infections. This figure is not very representative on the weekend, since fewer people are tested, but down compared to the previous Sunday (more than 107,000 cases). Same trend by calculating the seven-day average which stands at 117,664, versus 135,646 a week ago.”

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Easter Monday: contaminations in our village/commune are rising, but overall it seems things are slightly easing.

Two ways of saying more or less the same things…

“Côté vaccination, 54,303 millions de personnes ont reçu au moins une dose (80,5 % de la population totale) et 53,40 ont un schéma vaccinal complet (79,2 %), selon les chiffres du ministère de la Santé.”

it’s been hovering around 79,2% for weeks now and still not managed to achieve 80% with a completed vaccination.

Tuesday, 19th April… Hospital numbers continue to rise…

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