France election: South-west voters eye Brexit with envy - BBC News

The BBC seem to be on a mission to show Britain that France, and most of Europe are also very anti-EU and supportive of Brexit. It’s completely false.

The headline is a lie. In this article, the reporter found one deluded old woman who supported FN and leaving the EU among several other people who disagree.

The FN gets about 20% of the vote and even those people don’t all want to leave the EU. So the vast majority view Brexit with incredulity, not envy.


They could have interviewed a normal person rather than an old dipsomaniac facho.


It ceases to amaze me why people on this forum refuse to accept that many in France and other European countries are indeed disappointed with the EU club and become quite abusive against those with opposing views.


I don’t deny that some are disappointed with the EU. I simply deny that France is full of FN supporters and on the verge of leaving the EU…


I live in a small village in SW France and at least 2 couples I know are voting FN for the first time as they want to leave Europe. It might just happen!

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With a poll that thorough and convincing, you must be right :slight_smile:

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By normal I assume you mean those who agree with your views.

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Jonathan, you do not say where you live in France, that is if you do, to come up with your opinion that the majority of french people want to stay in Europe.
It must be a different world where we live here in the Lot for a recent opinion poll suggests that more than 60% would vote to leave the European Union if they were given the choice.


I live in the Roussillon, which has high unemployment and a fair number of FN supporters, mainly because of their views on Muslims, but the people realise that they benefit pretty well from being in the EU. The three largest sources of revenue are tourism, wine and fruit. Even the dumbest know which side their bread is buttered. But then I hang out with working people and don’t know many retirees well enough to ask them how they are going to vote.


I agree with you 100%, Lee, it is quite true “that many in France and other European countries are indeed disappointed with the EU club and become quite abusive against those with opposing views”.

By ‘normal’ I meant someone who has a job and doesn’t get pissed at lunchtime.



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Sorry won’t bother again

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Won’t bother what @Karen_DebaxLatour ?

Where does it state she gets pissed at lunchtime? I see a retired old lady having a birthday meal as many of us do normal or otherwise, but for you to state she is an alcoholic is a bit mean.


Nice one Lee.

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A picture tells a thousand words. I’m French. We know alkies when we see them :wink:. Elle boit.

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How many people commenting here have read the whole article rather than the first paragraph? I know you will say you have, but your comments betray you.

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Interesting. I live here and I have yet to meet one. Also I have recently signed a French petition looking for the EU to indict Le Pen for fraud. She has apparently claimed €340,000 for fictitious employees. Hope they get her!