Well, that's my story and I am looking for orientantion and guidance on how to proceed, as I am revolted, but very focused to spread the word and fight for justice:
I've visited Paris with my family in August/2012 and we were victims of violence of thieves in the city. Detail: we were with mjy daughther, a two year child.
This is for sure not uncommon, except that the action was caught in camera and thieves were detained later by authorities and we make a formal complaint register at police ("process verbale").
I found a lot of articles in the web that reveals a true crime network spreading like a cancer, specially due authorities simply do not care at all to the problem.
After almost two years without any contact at all, with some luck I was able to register my case at "Les defenseur des droits" (which I think is a kind of justice “onbdusman” – the French justice provider) but I got no answers after that. That happens after being mistreated in a chauvinistic attack after critizing the french law system by the Paris Aide aux Victimes, no matter in a first contact they were very kind. But when confronted with some demand for true help, just lose their focus on how they must be dedicated at citizen help... By the way, I was forwarded to them by a contact with the Ministery of Justice...
Joining information from everywhere, also from my embassy, I was informed that maybe my case were closed, but, in this case, the State Prosecutor must notify us to, if we wish, use the right to protest against the decision.
Fighting and fighting with Paris Aide aux Victimes to get some information, after 8 months they informed me, as I wrote then with the contact of “Les defenseur des droits” in CC, that my case was closed and gave a new number of the process (I have the reference from the “process verbale” from the police).
Although that, confronting the “Les defenseur des droits” with this justice malfunction (we were never notified, no matter all our contacts and address were listed in the “process verbale”), they simply kept in silence.
I've decided to look for help and to spread the word about it, contact the social media and tell my case as a testimony of despair and authorities contempt.
Would somebody have any suggestion to me?
It's truly unbeliveable on how authorities just flipp tourists off. They simply do not care at all. Seems that they even like the tourist stolen money stay in France (no mater it afterwards for sure fly out the country).
Paris is simply burning its city of lights reputation, becoming a complete shithole to where I would think twice to visit again, specially with family.
Please, help wanted!
french Justice: how a assault is caught in camera, thieves arrested but courts flipped tourists off: